Legal Services
ASUN Legal Services is a student run, student funded organization. For more than thirty years, members of the university community with legal problems or queries have had access to free legal help and referral. ASUN Legal Services has an attorney on staff to aid students with their legal matters. Although the attorney cannot represent students in court, guidance can still be provided on nearly any legal problem.
ASUN Legal Services is available to all students currently enrolled at the University of Nevada, faculty, and staff who have any type of legal query or problem, though undergraduate students are our first priority.
The Legal Services Staff may not give legal advice. Only the licensed attorney may give legal advice. ASUN Legal Services is limited to active of an informational nature only, and any request exceeding this limitation will be referred to appropriate legal counsel.
In most cases, the results of this process are a better understanding of the legal problem, some preliminary legal advice, and a referral to a local attorney who handles cases in the necessary legal area. Whenever possible, referrals are made to attorneys who have agreed to offer reduced and/or waived fees to University of Nevada students who were referred by ASUN Legal Services.
ASUN Legal Services is a strictly confidential service, and under no circumstance will your name or the nature of your case be released.
For more information on any of the services, please contact the ASUN Legal Services Director.
Generally, the ASUN Legal Services Attorney holds appointments on Fridays. To schedule an appointment, you must fill out the Legal Services Request form. Please fill out the forms at least a few days ahead in order for the employees to schedule you in a timely manner as they are sometimes in class or in meetings throughout the day.
Contact Us
Oscar Lopez Armenta – Co Director of Legal Services
Halena Habtemicheal – Co Director of Legal Services
(775) 784-6132
Legal Services has moved to be completely online please email for more information.
More Resources
Now That You’re 18 Survival Guide
Reno and Washoe County rent assistance
Washoe Legal Services
Phone: (775) 329-2727