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Dismantling Gender Stereotypes

Posted on Friday, December 4, 2020

Enabling gender stereotypes in society is a large contributor to dating violence. Gender roles can be instilled as early as adolescence, which is an important developmental period. These behaviors may include following the assumption that men should have the final say in decision making and women are to remain passive. Encoding these behaviors then pressures men to appear tough, aggressive and emotionally disengaged while women appear more delicate, sensitive and emotionally charged.

Gender stereotypes are apparent in society: dividing men and women through the pink vs. blue discourse, representation in career fields and the emotional gap are a few to name. These expectations are unwritten rules and put pressure on each gender to live restricted lives. Gender stereotypes, though, are nothing but shortcomings of impressions of people.

Society, though, has become more conscious of dismantling gender stereotypes. Reflecting and recognizing how an individual perpetuates divisive stereotypes plays an important role in changing the narrative on gender roles and preventing violence.

Promoting gender equality may include:

– Noticing signs of violence within personal relationships
– Sharing chores if living in a co-ed household
– Speaking up in situations of injustice
– Vote women into positions of leadership
– Hire diversity – because it’s valuable and not to check it off of a box
– Require anti-bias training and implement zero tolerance policies
– Engage in discourse rejecting gender stereotypes
– Normalize self-expression
– Challenge preconceived ideas on gender

Promoting gender equality simply lies within education. Although an individual cannot change curriculum as a whole, participating in anti-sexist programming and heightening female voices are small, yet effective ways to eliminate binary thinking.

Educational Material

The Mask You Live In
Look Different
Gender stereotypes and education
How Advertisers and Advocates are Dismantling Gender Stereotypes in Media

Nevada ASUN and Nevada Cares hope to foster a safe environment for survivors of gender-based violence. Although it is not an exhaustive list, both of the organizations compiled a list of local and national resources to further assist survivors through recovery.

Local Resources:

Northern Nevada –
Crisis Support Services of Nevada: 775-784-8090 (Hotline)
Safe Embrace: 775-322-3466 (Hotline)
Tu Casa Latina

Las Vegas –
The Shade Tree of Las Vegas
S.A.F.E. House

Interfaith Hospitality Network: 702-638-8806 (Hotline)

National Resources:

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255
The National Network to Eliminate Domestic Violence
RAINN: Rape Abuse Incest National Network
Stalking Resource Center