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Inkblot Packages

ASUN/CSE Department or Club?

Inkblot offers various marketing packages that are available to ASUN/CSE Departments as well as Clubs and Organizations for on-campus events. The link with requirements to submit a work order are listed below for all different marketing packages. Prior to submitting a request for services, please have all details about the event finalized and ready to submit. The timelines on the work order are defined as the day the work order is submitted to the day of the event and must be adhered to.

Inkblot work order

TV Ads

If you would like a tv ad to be put on the monitors around campus, then see the link below. These can be submitted for on-campus events that are recognized by the University. Check out the template below to get started. Once completed, upload the ad to the “TV AD Online Submission Form”.

Submit your own tv ad using the template down below with the ASUN logo.

Must be for an approved on-campus event prior to submitting

Advertising on TV monitors (2 steps)

  1. Download the ASUN Monitors Template to design your own TV ad
  2. Fill out the TV AD Work Order


ASUN Logos
CSE Logos
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ASUN Logo Standards