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ASUN Internship Program

What is the ASUN WolfPack Internship Program?

The WolfPack Internship, ASUN’s Mentor Program, offers students the opportunity to gain insights into the operations of ASUN and understand how the association’s officers and representatives function. It also provides hands-on experience both within the University of Nevada Reno (UNR) and in the Reno community. The goal of the Internship is to equip students with the necessary tools to advocate for themselves and share their acquired skills with others, emphasizing that the association is accessible to all. We collaborate with various community partners and are excited to welcome the students of UNR as our new partners.

Are you interested in becoming a Partner for ASUN during the 2023-2024 school year?

You must meet the minimum qualifications:

● Be enrolled in 7 Credits

● Maintain a 2.75 Cumulative GPA

Applicants can expect an email regarding their application and next steps in the Fall, regardless of when they choose to submit their application.


Application for the Department of Programming closes on Wednesday, August 14th

Application for the Department of Clubs & Organizations closes on Friday, August 23rd

Applications for all other Departments close on Friday, September 8th


Internship Programs

Executive Internship Program

Through the Executive internship program, students will have the chance to work alongside the President, Vice President, Director of Executive Affairs, Director of Executive Outreach, Director of Campus and Public Relations, the Director of Sustainability, the Assistant Director of Sustainability, the Director of Campus Wellness, the Assistant Director of Campus Wellness, or the Attorney General. Executive Partners shall work alongside officers in the research and execution of various University projects and initiatives. Partners should leave the internship with applicable leadership skills, as well as a thorough understanding of the inner workings of ASUN’s Executive Branch.

Government Affairs Internship Program

The Department of Government Affairs aims to bring student voices to the state, local, and national levels of government. Partners will play an integral role in student advocacy while working to influence policy by working with lawmakers and speaking on behalf of the student body. Partners will encourage their fellow students to make their voices heard by hosting candidate forums and voter registration drives. Partners will meet with local elected officials and influential community members in an effort to build powerful connections and learn more about careers in the political field. Partners should leave the internship with a greater sense of civic responsibility and knowledge of how to work to better their own communities.

Clubs and Organizations Internship Program

The Department of Clubs and Organizations works to promote the success of ASUN recognized clubs and organizations and empower club leaders. The internship program aims to teach about club resources such as club funding and renewal, PackLife, Inkblot, and resource checkout. Partners will play a role in club-centered events such as Club Fair, iLead, and iServe. Throughout the internship, interns will learn about developing their own leadership style, be empowered through event planning, and grow closer.

 I.D.E.A. Internship Program

The Department of I.D.E.A. (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility/Advocacy) works to create and maintain spaces for students, faculty, administration, and staff members to discuss, learn about, and celebrate diversity. Partners will work alongside department members in tracking policy, encouraging activism, planning events, and meeting with leaders that represent diverse segments of the campus and community. Partners should leave the internship with skills to improve diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility/advocacy on campus and within the community.

Programming Internship Program

The Department of Event Programming works to inspire and unite the University of Nevada students through events derived from Nevada Traditions, cultural diversity, large-scale entertainment, and academia and athletics. Partners will work alongside department members in planning and executing both small and large-scale events throughout the year. Event Programming interns should leave the internship with task management skills, as well as experience planning and executing events for the entire student population.

Judicial Internship Program

The Judicial Council tries all cases and controversies within the Association. The Judicial Internship Program provides an opportunity for undergraduate students to learn about the Judicial Council’s role in ASUN through direct involvement with council cases. Involvement in the program prepares students for the challenges of working as a justice. Partners should leave the internship with a thorough understanding of the Judicial Branch, as well as applicable legal reasoning skills.

Legislative Internship Program

The Senate of the Associated Students is composed of 25 elected officers, representing each academic college. The Legislative Internship Program provides an opportunity for undergraduate students to learn about the legislative processes of ASUN. Partners will have a one-on-one mentor relationship with a current senator, and work alongside them in writing legislation and executing projects. Partners should leave the Legislative Internship with experience in leading a group of their peers, as well as a thorough understanding of the concept of servant leadership.


Contact Director of Executive Affairs Isabella Hatt at with any questions or concerns.

Application Form Link: