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Lalise Gizaw

Position: Honors College (1 Senate Seat)
Academic College: College of Engineering, College of Science
Expected Date of Graduation: 05/24/2025
Bio and Platform: Lalise Gizaw, Honors student studying Mathematics and Computer Science Engineering, is excited about representing her peers as she runs for the role of Honors College Senator. Committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere within the Honors college, Lalise wants to ensure that the voices of her fellow students are heard, and their specific needs are addressed.
Currently working as a Teaching Assistant for Honors 215, Lalise is instrumental in helping her classmates with resume building and preparing for graduate school. Being a McNair scholar and an active tutor at the First-Gen Center, she shows her dedication to academic success and mentoring, displaying a comprehensive approach to supporting her fellow students.
Lalise envisions a collaborative effort that goes beyond college boundaries. She plans to closely collaborate with other college senators to establish an environment that genuinely reflects the diverse interests within the Honors College. Her aim is to actively connect the student body with the university administration, making sure that the concerns and aspirations of Honors College students are acknowledged. Additionally, Lalise aims to collaborate with other senators to bring more Honors classes, enhancing the academic experience for students in the Honors program.
Through her candidacy for Honors College Senator, Lalise Gizaw emerges as a dynamic and compassionate leader, ready to advocate for the causes that matter most to her fellow Honors students. With a strong academic background and a sincere commitment to service, she is positioned to create a positive and lasting impact on the Honors College.