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Caden Riley

Position: College of Engineering (4 Senate Seats)
Academic College: College of Engineering
Expected Date of Graduation: 05/16/2026
Bio and Platform: Caden is a passionate and dedicated student running for a seat on the College of Engineering senate. Currently pursuing a Civil Engineering degree, with a minor in Construction Management, he understand the challenges that students face in balancing academic demands and extracurricular activities. His primary goal is to advocate for policies that support academic success. As a dedicated student, he believes in the power of positive change and the impact students, as a collective, can have on shaping the university experience. He believes open communication and transparency between the student body and student government is key to a high functioning university. Caden will make sure that student's voices and concerns are heard and acted upon. Additionally, building a stronger connection between the university and the surrounding community is crucial. Caden is an advocate for community service opportunities, partnerships with local organizations, and projects that contribute positively to the wider Reno community. Finally, Caden wants to make sure that ASUN spends money efficiently and is committed to following strict budgets to ensure funds are not wasted.