Carmina Aglubat
Position: President
Academic College: College of Liberal Arts
Expected Date of Graduation: 05/11/2027
Bio and Platform: Home Means Nevada-
To Carmina, the University of Nevada has always meant home. Some of her fondest memories have been tied to the University- whether that be her first live football game in Mackay Stadium, field trips to the Planetarium, orchestra concerts in Nightingale Hall or high school graduation at Lawlor.
Many people describe going off to university as leaving home. But to Carmina, attending the University of Nevada felt like finally coming home. Therefore, she has always looked for every opportunity to challenge the University to be the best it can be for its students and future generations to come.
Senator Aglubat and Senator McNamara strive to create a home for every student. Home is found in the clubs and organizations where shared passions unite people. It is felt in a campus culture that honors diversity, ensuring every identity is welcomed and celebrated. It is built through traditions that connect the past with the present, inviting everyone to be part of something greater than themselves.
No matter where your journey begins or the path you choose, the University of Nevada should offer a place to belong, a place to grow and a place to call home. That is why the Aglubat-McNamara campaign is built on the foundation of Home Means Nevada. At its heart, this is about creating a home for everyone—a home defined by tradition, wellness, community, connection and the promise of shared purpose.
For more information, please visit the Aglubat-McNamara website, social media or send them a message.
(launch date on 2/5 at 8:00 A.M.)
Instagram: @homemeansnv25
Inside of ASUN-
Through ASUN, Carmina currently serves as a Senator for the College of Liberal Arts. With her service, she has championed opening the ASUN process up to the public, increasing democratic civic engagement through voter initiatives and looking for ways to bring the association closer to the student body through reform measures. In addition, she serves as the Speaker Pro Tempore of the Senate. With the position, she’s had the privilege of leading ASUN’s Legislative Internship Program. Here, Carmina’s worked with nineteen remarkable interns in the pursuit of cultivating the next collection of Senators, instilling upon them a strong sense of impactful public service.
Outside of ASUN-
Aside from ASUN, Carmina’s often found studying for her political science classes or spending time with several on campus communities- such as Kappa Alpha Theta, where she serves as Recruitment Director. She’s also a member of the Honors College and the Young Democrats of UNR. Outside of campus, she enjoys taking hikes in the beautiful Northern Nevada scenery, trying new shops as an amateur coffee connoisseur and hosting get-togethers for friends with charcuterie boards and themed decorations.
Carmina loves to say, “Now is not the time to play it small, play big.” This belief fuels her determination to challenge the university to reach its fullest potential and serves as the foundation for the mission of “Home Means Nevada.”