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Carson Fish

Position: College of Business (4 Senate Seats)
Academic College: College of Business
Expected Date of Graduation: 05/20/2025
Bio and Platform: Carson Fish is a passionate and optimistic student in the College of Business running for a seat on the senate. Carson is a business management major with key experience in people management, event planning, and budget oversight. Carson is eager to promote and foster a professional and inclusive environment for students at the University of Nevada, Reno.

During Carson's time at the University of Nevada, Reno, he has gained experiences through curriculum, networking, and campus involvement to make him a well rounded candidate for a senate seat in the College of Business. Through these diverse experiences at the University of Nevada, Reno, Carson has been able to recognize struggles that students in the College of Business come across and has fostered a plan to tackle these struggles to promote a stronger environment for students to find success within themselves. In Carson's time on the senate for the College of Business, Carson would like to promote a wider variety of networking opportunities for students, more interactive training sessions like creating strong resumes, perfecting LinkedIn profiles, as well as mock interviews, and ultimately improving the network amongst students on campus. Carson wants to work closely with the school faculty as well as the student body to seek and act on what needs they express from the College of Business. With these challenges in mind and a plan set, Carson has extremely high hopes for the future of the College of Business.

Carson Fish is here to serve his student body and excited to interact with the others senators to build an environment that gives a whole new meaning to being in The Pack.