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Drew Britson

Position: College of Business (4 Senate Seats)
Academic College: College of Business
Expected Date of Graduation: 05/16/2026
Bio and Platform: Through his pursuit of a degree in the College of Business, Drew has recognized the struggles that students face on a day to day basis. Through transparent communication and collaborative efforts, Drew seeks to amplify student voices and address their concerns effectively. His goal is to spearhead initiatives that not only enhance the academic experience, but also create a campus atmosphere that encourages growth, diversity, and shared success. His platform revolves around promoting a professional and inclusive environment for students, fostering a sense of belonging within the already vibrant student body at the University of Nevada - Reno.

Recognizing the power of connections, Drew proposes the implementation of a more robust networking platform for the campuses collegians. Connecting students with mentors actively invested in student success, running training sessions that improve student's confidence in a professional setting, as well as improving the network not only among students on campus, but with professionals outside of the university. Through fostering an environment that values and prioritizes networking, Drew aspires to empower students within the College of Business to build meaningful relationships that extend beyond the classroom, laying the foundation for successful and fulfilling careers.

Through multiple roles in off-campus organizations, Drew has developed a multitude of team leadership skills, efficient communication, and problem solving abilities. He is excited for the opportunity to serve his student body, and take these challenges and make strides to better not only the College of Business, but the University of Nevada - Reno as a whole. Go Pack!