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Emma Stauffenberg

Position: College of Science (4 Senate Seats)
Academic College: College of Science
Expected Date of Graduation: 05/15/2025
Bio and Platform: Emma Stauffenberg is a junior majoring in neuroscience. She was fortunate to find an undergraduate research program on campus starting the spring of her sophomore year. Through this experience, she's found a passion for helping other students discover research and conference opportunities. One of her policy goals is to advocate for funding opportunities for clubs and undergraduate research programs in the College of Science. Emma is also passionate about promoting resources available to the students. She plans to advocate for a partnership with the faculty and administration of the College of Science to inform students about the resources available to help navigate college and careers. The College of Science is one of the biggest colleges on campus so fostering community is imperative for a successful college experience. Emma recognizes this and plans to promote involvement by increasing the advertisement of activities, clubs, and research opportunities. More activity on campus leads to a need for more self-care off campus. Emma is aware of the demanding nature of STEM degrees and she is passionate about spreading information about mental health resources available to College of Science students. Overall, Emma is dedicated to making sure college is a positive experience for all students in science.