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Steven Spurlock

Position: College of Business (4 Senate Seats)
Academic College: College of Business
Expected Date of Graduation: 05/09/2025
Bio and Platform: Steven Spurlock is a passionate undergraduate student who strives to improve The University of Nevada, Reno. In his roles as the Professional Development Chairman for Business Student Council and the Treasurer for Economics Club, he has made himself visible and impactful in The College of Business. If elected as a College of Business Senator, he will strive to be a positive representation within the Senate for all College of Business students. Specifically, discussions with students will happen regularly to ensure they are represented in the proper manner. In addition to proper representation, he is passionate about spending the tuition money of the student body frugally. If elected, the students' dollars and opinion are going to be of the utmost importance. Lastly, he has seen first hand the limitations that are put on clubs and organizations. If given the opportunity to serve as a Senator he will strive to make policy changes to the bureaucratic process of starting, running, and maintaining a club.