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The Sustainable Nevada Initiative Fund

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Apply for the Sustainable Nevada Initiative Fund

Contact the Director of Sustainability


The Sustainable Nevada Initiative Fund (SNIF) is a grant program funded by ASUN for undergraduates. This program exists to elevate the ideas of students–– undergraduates from all academic disciplines and departments are invited to propose projects that enhance the sustainability of our campus community. The grant program also exists to serve as a learning opportunity for undergraduates: students who have never applied for a grant before are invited to engage with the application process and will come away with a new skill that they can take with them past their undergraduate career.



SNIF was created at the University of Nevada, Reno in 2015 by ASUN President Caden Fabbi. At the start of the 2017-2018 school year, the role of the Director of Sustainability was created to oversee and facilitate the grant program. SNIF supports projects which are specifically aligned with the goals, standards, and commitments in the No Walls 2025 plan.


Applying For The Grant:

If you want to apply for the grant, fill out the application form. You may apply as an individual or work with a team to propose a project. The application opens on the 1st of September and closes on the first day of the spring semester. Students are encouraged to reach out to the Director of Sustainability with any questions and tips about the application process. Students are also encouraged to set up meetings with the Director of Sustainability for revisions and feedback on applications. Applicants will be notified about whether or not the project will receive funding in January, and future meetings will be required to discuss the dispersal of funding and status of the project.

Apply for the Sustainable Nevada Initiative Fund

Contact the Director of Sustainability



Proposals can be developed for any project which can improve campus sustainability. This includes, but is not limited to, sustainable solutions inspired by engineering, policy, science, education, or social/behavioral interventions. The grant program typically has a fund of $1,000; this may fund multiple low-cost projects or one project that totals this amount. Proposals may seek additional sources of funding in order to accomplish their full impact– if your project requires more than $1,000 and you are applying for the SNIF, outside sources of funding must be fully documented and verifiable. Grants are awarded to projects that have the highest potential for impact and success.

Students need to create a plan for their proposal that includes: a vision for their project, a list of individuals or partners who will implement the project, a detailed schedule of implementation, an itemized budget and reasoning for costs, and proposed impacts. Templates are available for each of these requirements. If applicable, students must reach out to the relevant university departments that would play a role in the implementation of their proposal (Dining Services, Residential Life, Facilities, etc). The Director of Sustainability can help connect students to those departments.


Review Process:

The committee will consist of the President, a professor from the Environmental Science Department, a representative from Campus Sustainability, a representative from Facilities, a representative from the Student Services Division, and any other members that the President deems as necessary.