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Public laws

All legislation creating or affecting a change in law within the legislative powers of the Senate, or providing for the budgeting and appropriation of Association funds, shall be presented in the form of a Bill.

Documents Title Date Meeting Sponsor Type Passed?
Documents Title Date Meeting Sponsor Type Passed?
S.B. - 92 A bill to codify the legislative authority of senate committees S.B. – 92 A bill to codify the legislative authority of senate committees 02/26/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. 92 Referral to Committee on Government Operations S.B. 92 Referral to Committee on Government Operations 02/26/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
Resolution to add Logan Miceli to the committee on Government Operations and committee on Academic and Student Affairs Resolution to add Logan Miceli to the committee on Government Operations and committee on Academic and Student Affairs 02/12/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Yes
Referral of S.B. 92 to DCE and GovOps Referral of S.B. 92 to DCE and GovOps 02/05/2025 Senate of Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
Appointment of Matthew Hoang to the office of committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness and IDEA Appointment of Matthew Hoang to the office of committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness and IDEA 01/29/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
Matthew Hoang Committee Change Matthew Hoang Committee Change 01/29/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
Joel Martin Committee Change Joel Martin Committee Change 01/29/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
Ethan McNamara Committee Change Ethan McNamara Committee Change 01/29/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
Carla Montoya Committee Change Carla Montoya Committee Change 01/29/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
Natalie Palmer Committee Change Natalie Palmer Committee Change 01/29/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
Appointment of Julianna Sullivan to the office of assistant director of government affairs Appointment of Julianna Sullivan to the office of assistant director of government affairs 01/29/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
Referral of S.R. 92-A resolution in support of adolescent and young adult cancer awareness week to the committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Referral of S.R. 92-A resolution in support of adolescent and young adult cancer awareness week to the committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness 01/29/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
Appointment of Logan Miceli to the office of senator for college of engineering Appointment of Logan Miceli to the office of senator for college of engineering 01/29/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
Appointment of Matthew Hoang to the office of senator for college of business Appointment of Matthew Hoang to the office of senator for college of business 01/29/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
Appointment of Greydon Geil to the office of assistant director of marketing and interns in the programming department Appointment of Greydon Geil to the office of assistant director of marketing and interns in the programming department 01/22/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Yes
Appointment of Antony Kuhl to the office Attorney General Appointment of Antony Kuhl to the office Attorney General 01/22/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
Appointment of Kennedy Taylor as the director of Government Affairs Appointment of Kennedy Taylor as the director of Government Affairs 01/22/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
Travis Terry committee change Travis Terry committee change 01/22/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
Appointment of Brianna Bouknight as Assistant Director of budget and assessment in Programming department Appointment of Brianna Bouknight as Assistant Director of budget and assessment in Programming department 01/22/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
Emma Doty Committee Change Emma Doty Committee Change 01/22/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
Tucker Goodspeed Committee Change Tucker Goodspeed Committee Change 01/22/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B. 92 S.B. 92 A Bill to reform the Liaison positions of DCE 01/22/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
APPOINTMENT OF DCE CHAIR DCE CHAIR APPOINTMENT 01/22/2025 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.R. 92 S.R. 92 – A RESOLUTION TO OPPOSE THE NEVADAFIT COURSE FEE INCREASE 12/04/2024 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.R. 92 S. R. 92- A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE ACADEMIC SUCCESS FEE INCREASE 12/04/2024 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.R. 92-5 S. R. 92 – A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE CREATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE OUTDOOR ADVENTURE LEADERSHIP MINOR 12/04/2024 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.R. 92-4 S. R. 92 – A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE COUNSELING CENTER FEE INCREASE, CRITERIA CHANGE, AND SUMMER FEE DECREASE 12/04/2024 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S. R. 92-3 A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE INDOOR FIELD HOUSE PROJECT AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO 12/04/2024 Senate of the Associated Students 2024-2025 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Naomi Tecson To The Office Of Programmer For The Department Of Programming A Binding Resolution Appointing Naomi Tecson To The Office Of Programmer For The Department Of Programming 2023-2024 Student General Assembly Resolutions
A Binding Resolution Referring S.r. 91- A Resolution In Support Of Renaming The President’s Conference Room To Frankie Sue Del Papa President’s Conference Room To The Committee On Idea A Binding Resolution Referring S.r. 91- A Resolution In Support Of Renaming The President’s Conference Room To Frankie Sue Del Papa President’s Conference Room To The Committee On Idea 2023-2024 Student General Assembly Resolutions
A Resolution In Support Of Renaming The President’s Conference Room To The Franke Sue Del Papa President’s Conference Room A Resolution In Support Of Renaming The President’s Conference Room To The Franke Sue Del Papa President’s Conference Room 2023-2024 Student General Assembly
A Resolution In Support Of Naloxone Distribution And Training On University Properties A Resolution In Support Of Naloxone Distribution And Training On University PropertiesTIES 2023-2024 Student General Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act Codifying the Passion Fund An Act Codifying the Passion Fund 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
An Act Amending the Apportionment of the Senate to Include the Honors College An Act Amending the Apportionment of the Senate to Include the Honors College 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Binding Resolution to Publicize the Senate Legislation Tracker A Binding Resolution to Publicize the Senate Legislation Tracker 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act to Publicize the Senate Legislation Tracker An Act to Publicize the Senate Legislation Tracker 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Resolution in Support of Renaming the President's Conference Room to the Frankie Sue Del Papa President's Conference Room A Resolution in Support of Renaming the President’s Conference Room to the Frankie Sue Del Papa President’s Conference Room 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act to Publicize the Senate Legislation Tracker An Act to Publicize the Senate Legislation Tracker 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 91- A Resolution in Support of Title IX Presented Annually to the Senate Body to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 91- A Resolution in Support of Title IX Presented Annually to the Senate Body to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Resolution to Condemn the Transphobic Remarks Made by Regent Boylan A Resolution to Condemn the Transphobic Remarks Made by Regent Boylan 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B.R. 91- A Binding Resolution to Amend the Name of the Senate Rules to the Senate Standing Rules to the Committee on Government Operations A Binding Resolution Referring S.B.R. 91- A Binding Resolution to Amend the Name of the Senate Rules to the Senate Standing Rules to the Committee on Government Operations 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.R 91- A Resolution of NevadaFIT to Promote the Democratic Process to the Committee on Democratic Student Engagement A Binding Resolution Referring S.R 91- A Resolution of NevadaFIT to Promote the Democratic Process to the Committee on Democratic Student Engagement 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 91- An Act Codifying the Pasion Fund to the Committee on Budget and Finance A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 91- An Act Codifying the Pasion Fund to the Committee on Budget and Finance 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Devin Ruy to the Office of Senator for the College of Business A Binding Resolution Appointing Devin Ruy to the Office of Senator for the College of Business 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Resolution to Promote Equity, Inclusion, and Integrity in the School of Social Work A Resolution to Promote Equity, Inclusion, and Integrity in the School of Social Work 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 91- A Resolution in Support of Renaming the President's Conference Room to Frankie Sue Del Papa President's Conference Room to the Committee on IDEA A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 91- A Resolution in Support of Renaming the President’s Conference Room to Frankie Sue Del Papa President’s Conference Room to the Committee on IDEA 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 91- A Resolution in Support of Making the PSAC Open 24/7 During Finals to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 91- A Resolution in Support of Making the PSAC Open 24/7 During Finals to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Naomi Tescon to the Office of Programmer for the Department of Programming A Binding Resolution Appointing Naomi Tescon to the Office of Programmer for the Department of Programming 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Anna Barrus to the Office of Programmer for the Department of Programming A Binding Resolution Appointing Anna Barrus to the Office of Programmer for the Department of Programming 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Houghtelling to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness and the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Houghtelling to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness and the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Aglubat to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness and the Committee on Democratic Student Engagement A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Aglubat to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness and the Committee on Democratic Student Engagement 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B.R. 91 and S.B. 91 - A Binding Resolution/An Act to Publicize the Senate Legislation Tracker to the Committee on Oversight A Binding Resolution Referring S.B.R. 91 and S.B. 91 – A Binding Resolution/An Act to Publicize the Senate Legislation Tracker to the Committee on Oversight 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution to Add an Undocumented Student Programs Liaison Position to the Committee on IDEA A Binding Resolution to Add an Undocumented Student Programs Liaison Position to the Committee on IDEA 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 91- A Resolution to Re-Require All Professors to Participate in Teaching Development Programs to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 91- A Resolution to Re-Require All Professors to Participate in Teaching Development Programs to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Carmina Aglubat to the Office of Senator for the College of Liberal Arts A Binding Resolution Appointing Carmina Aglubat to the Office of Senator for the College of Liberal Arts 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Elijah Houghtelling to the Office of Senator for the College of Public Health A Binding Resolution Appointing Elijah Houghtelling to the Office of Senator for the College of Public Health 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution to Add an Undocumented Student Programs Liaison Position to the Department of IDEA A Binding Resolution to Add an Undocumented Student Programs Liaison Position to the Department of IDEA 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Tristian Lawrence to the Office of Associate Justice for the Judicial Council A Binding Resolution Appointing Tristian Lawrence to the Office of Associate Justice for the Judicial Council 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Dhruv Shekar to the Office of Assistant Director of Budget and Assessment for the Department of Programming A Binding Resolution Appointing Dhruv Shekar to the Office of Assistant Director of Budget and Assessment for the Department of Programming 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B.R. 91- A Binding Resolution to Publicize the Senate Legislation Tracker to the Committee on Government Operations A Binding Resolution Referring S.B.R. 91- A Binding Resolution to Publicize the Senate Legislation Tracker to the Committee on Government Operations 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 91- An Act to Publicize the Senate Legislation Tracker to the Committee on Government Operations A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 91- An Act to Publicize the Senate Legislation Tracker to the Committee on Government Operations 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Reapportioning Committee Assignments A Binding Resolution Appointing Shaylie Walker to the Office of Associate Justice for the Judicial Council 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Reapportioning Committee Assignments A Binding Resolution Reapportioning Committee Assignments 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act to Remove the Office of the Secretary An Act to Remove the Office of the Secretary 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Resolution in Support of Canceling Classes on Election Day A Resolution in Support of Canceling Classes on Election Day 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Resolution in Support of the Distribution of Fentanyl Testing Strips A Resolution in Support of the Distribution of Fentanyl Testing Strips 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Rena Arneson to the Office of Associate Justice of the Judicial Council A Binding Resolution Appointing Rena Arneson to the Office of Associate Justice of the Judicial Council 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Resolution to Provide for the Winter Recess of the 91st Session of the Senate A Resolution to Provide for the Winter Recess of the 91st Session of the Senate 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act to Financially Support Student Media Via a Credit Fee An Act to Financially Support Student Media Via a Credit Fee 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
An Act to Revise the ASUN Elections Code An Act to Revise the ASUN Elections Code 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
An Act Revising Elections Campaign Material Processes An Act Revising Elections Campaign Material Processes 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 91- An Act to Remove the Office of the Secretary from the Statutes of the Associated Students to the Committee on Government Operations A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 91- An Act to Remove the Office of the Secretary from the Statutes of the Associated Students to the Committee on Government Operations 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Keaton Fox to the Office of Policy Director for the Department of Government Affairs A Binding Resolution Appointing Keaton Fox to the Office of Policy Director for the Department of Government Affairs 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Resolution in Support of Feifei Fan A Resolution in Support of Feifei Fan 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 91- A Resolution in Support of the Distribution of Fentanyl Testing Strips to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 91- A Resolution in Support of the Distribution of Fentanyl Testing Strips to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Resolution to Introduce Parking Payment Plans on Campus A Resolution to Introduce Parking Payment Plans on Campus 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Emma Doty and Vera Vaz to the Office of Senator for the College of Science A Binding Resolution Appointing Emma Doty and Vera Vaz to the Office of Senator for the College of Science 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Mya Skowronski to the Office of Senator for the College of Liberal Arts A Binding Resolution Appointing Mya Skowronski to the Office of Senator for the College of Liberal Arts 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 91- A Resolution to Introduce parking Payment Plans on Campus to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 91- A Resolution to Introduce parking Payment Plans on Campus to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act to Create An Alternative Compensation Method for ASUN Officers An Act to Create An Alternative Compensation Method for ASUN Officers 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Binding Resolution to Censure Senator Kermanshahi A Binding Resolution to Censure Senator Raygoza 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 91- A Binding Resolution to Add a NevadaCARES Liaison Position is referred to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 91- A Binding Resolution to Add a NevadaCARES Liaison Position is referred to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 91- A Bill to Create An Alternative Compensation Method for ASUN Officers to the Committee on Government Operations A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 91- A Bill to Create An Alternative Compensation Method for ASUN Officers to the Committee on Government Operations 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Ali to the Committee on Democratic Student Engagement A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Ali to the Committee on Democratic Student Engagement 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act to Approve the Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 An Act to Approve the Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Cole Steffanich to the Office of Commissioner for the Department of Clubs and Organizations A Binding Resolution Appointing Cole Steffanich to the Office of Commissioner for the Department of Clubs and Organizations 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Perez-Alvarez from the Committee on IDEA and Adding Senator Perez-Alvarez to the Committee on Government Operations A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Perez-Alvarez from the Committee on IDEA and Adding Senator Perez-Alvarez to the Committee on Government Operations 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution to Create the Addition of Introduction of Guests at the Senate Table A Binding Resolution to Create the Addition of Introduction of Guests at the Senate Table 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Acklin to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Acklin to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Resolution in Support of the Creation of Tagalog Classes at UNR A Resolution in Support of the Creation of Tagalog Classes at UNR 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Emily Hohman to the Office of Commissioner for the Department of Clubs and Organizations A Binding Resolution Appointing Emily Hohman to the Office of Commissioner for the Department of Clubs and Organizations 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Andrew Ingram to the Office of Commissioner for the Department of Clubs and Organizations A Binding Resolution Appointing Andrew Ingram to the Office of Commissioner for the Department of Clubs and Organizations 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Savannah Cedeno to the Office of Commissioner for the Department of IDEA A Binding Resolution Appointing Savannah Cedeno to the Office of Commissioner for the Department of IDEA 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Directors, Commissioners, and Programmers A Binding Resolution Appointing Directors, Commissioners, and Programmers 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Ava Carlstrom to the Office of Assistant Director for the Department of Sustainability A Binding Resolution Appointing Ava Carlstrom to the Office of Assistant Director for the Department of Sustainability 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Hailey De Leon to the Office of Assistant Director of Marketing and Interns for the Department of Event Programming A Binding Resolution Appointing Hailey De Leon to the Office of Assistant Director of Marketing and Interns for the Department of Event Programming 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Myah Shaikh to the Office of Assistant Director of budget and Assessment for the Department of Event Programming A Binding Resolution Appointing Myah Shaikh to the Office of Assistant Director of budget and Assessment for the Department of Event Programming 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Thomsen to the Committee on IDEA and the Committee on Government Operations A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Thomsen to the Committee on IDEA and the Committee on Government Operations 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Om Patel to the Office of Marketing and Special Projects for the Department of Campus Wellness A Binding Resolution Appointing Om Patel to the Office of Marketing and Special Projects for the Department of Campus Wellness 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Alexia Walck to the Office of Assistant Director for the Department of IDEA A Binding Resolution Appointing Alexia Walck to the Office of Assistant Director for the Department of IDEA 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Breanna Rizo to the Office of Assistant Director of Club Renewal and Interns for the Department of Clubs and Organizations A Binding Resolution Appointing Breanna Rizo to the Office of Assistant Director of Club Renewal and Interns for the Department of Clubs and Organizations Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Nathan Noble to the Office of Associate Justice for the Judicial Council A Binding Resolution Appointing Nathan Noble to the Office of Associate Justice for the Judicial Council 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Liesel Kemmelmeier to the Office of Assistant Director for the Department of Government Affairs A Binding Resolution Appointing Liesel Kemmelmeier to the Office of Assistant Director for the Department of Government Affairs 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Malcom Feest to the Office of Assistant Director of Budget and SEAB for the Department of Clubs and Organizations A Binding Resolution Appointing Malcom Feest to the Office of Assistant Director of Budget and SEAB for the Department of Clubs and Organizations 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act Amending the Department of Government Affairs An Act Amending the Department of Government Affairs 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Haile to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Haile to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Pickrell to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Pickrell to Committee on Government Operations 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Pickrell to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Pickrell to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Kuhl to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Kuhl to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Brumfield to the Committee on Government Operations A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Brumfield to the Committee on Government Operations 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Brumfield to the Committee on Budget and Finance A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Brumfield to the Committee on Budget and Finance 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Ali to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Ali to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Kuhl to the Committee on Budget and Finance A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Kuhl to the Committee on Budget and Finance 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Ali from the Committee on Budget and Finance A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Ali from the Committee on Budget and Finance 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Emma Thomsen to the Office of Senator for the College of Education A Binding Resolution Appointing Emma Thomsen to the Office of Senator for the College of Education 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Antony Kuhl to the Office of Senator for the College of Engineering A Binding Resolution Appointing Antony Kuhl to the Office of Senator for the College of Engineering 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Matthew Sauls to the Office of Director for the Department of Sustainability A Binding Resolution Appointing Matthew Sauls to the Office of Director for the Department of Sustainability 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Arthur-James Okwuosa to the Office of Director for the Department of IDEA A Binding Resolution Appointing Arthur-James Okwuosa to the Office of Director for the Department of IDEA 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Joelle Pickrell to the Office of Senator for the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology, and Natural Resources A Binding Resolution Appointing Joelle Pickrell to the Office of Senator for the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology, and Natural Resources 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Tivona Brumfield to the Office of Senator for the Orvis School of Nursing/School of Medicine A Binding Resolution Appointing Tivona Brumfield to the Office of Senator for the Orvis School of Nursing/School of Medicine 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Harley Guerrero to the Office of Director of Campus Wellness for the Executive Branch A Binding Resolution Appointing Harley Guerrero to the Office of Director of Campus Wellness for the Executive Branch 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Milena Haile to the Office of Senator for the College of Public Health A Binding Resolution Appointing Milena Haile to the Office of Senator for the College of Public Health 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Olivia Ngo to the Office of Director of Public and Campus Relations for the Executive Branch A Binding Resolution Appointing Olivia Ngo to the Office of Director of Public and Campus Relations for the Executive Branch 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Stacen Suzuki to the Office of Director of Executive Outreach for the Executive Branch A Binding Resolution Appointing Stacen Suzuki to the Office of Director of Executive Outreach for the Executive Branch 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing James Greco to the Office of Attorney General for the Executive Branch A Binding Resolution Appointing James Greco to the Office of Attorney General for the Executive Branch 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Jonel Stevenson to the Office of Director for the Department of Event Programming A Binding Resolution Appointing Jonel Stevenson to the Office of Director for the Department of Event Programming 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Yahit Lopez to the Office of Director of Clubs and Organizations A Binding Resolution Appointing Yahit Lopez to the Office of Director of Clubs and Organizations 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Dawson Deal to the Office of Director of Government Affairs A Binding Resolution Appointing Dawson Deal to the Office of Director of Government Affairs 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Isabella Hatt to the Office of Director of Executive Affairs A Binding Resolution Appointing Isabella Hatt to the Office of Director of Executive Affairs 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Brayden Taeubel to the Office of Chief Justice for the Judicial Council A Binding Resolution Appointing Brayden Taeubel to the Office of Chief Justice for the Judicial Council 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Resolution In Support of Naloxone Distribution and Training on University Properties A Resolution In Support of Naloxone Distribution and Training on University Properties 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act to Correct Inconsistencies in the Department of Government Affairs Description An Act to Correct Inconsistencies in the Department of Government Affairs Description 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Binding Resolution Electing the Chairs of Committees A Binding Resolution Electing the Chairs of Committees 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Electing the Parliamentarian A Binding Resolution Electing the Parliamentarian 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Electing the Speaker Pro Tempore of the Senate A Binding Resolution Electing the Speaker Pro Tempore of the Senate 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Electing the Speaker of the Senate A Binding Resolution Electing the Speaker of the Senate 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Adopting the Rules of the Ninety-First Session of the Senate of the Associated Students A Binding Resolution Adopting the Rules of the Ninety-First Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2023-2024 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution to Provide for the Adjournment Sine Die of the Associated Students of the 90th Senate Session A Binding Resolution to Provide for the Adjournment Sine Die of the Associated Students of the 90th Senate Session 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act to Ensure Public Access to Senate Meetings An Act to Ensure Public Access to Senate Meetings 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Binding Resolution to Ensure Public Access to Senate Meetings A Binding Resolution to Ensure Public Access to Senate Meetings 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution to Create A Permanent Liaison Position for the Path to Independence Program A Binding Resolution to Create A Permanent Liaison Position for the Path to Independence Program 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act to Create Sustainable Event Best-Practices An Act to Create Sustainable Event Best-Practices Laws
A Resolution to Recognize and Implement Emergency Medical Service Degree Programming in the School of Public Health A Resolution to Recognize and Implement Emergency Medical Service Degree Programming in the School of Public Health 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Resolution in Support of More Signage for Gender-Neutral Restrooms A Resolution in Support of More Signage for Gender-Neutral Restrooms 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act Establishing Regular Meeting Requirements for Executive Departments An Act Establishing Regular Meeting Requirements for Executive Departments 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
An Act to Update the Chief of Staff and Chief of Internal Affairs Duties and Titles An Act to Update the Chief of Staff and Chief of Internal Affairs Duties and Titles 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
An Act Revising Election Punitive Processes An Act Revising Election Punitive Processes 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Resolution to Amend University Administrative Manual Code 5,456 A Resolution to Amend University Administrative Manual Code 5,456 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Resolution in Support of Requiring that All ASUN Department Have Gluten-Free and Vegan Food Alternatives Available at All ASUN Events A Resolution in Support of Requiring that All ASUN Department Have Gluten-Free and Vegan Food Alternatives Available at All ASUN Events 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions
A Resolution to Support SB131 A Resolution to Support SB131 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Resolution in Support of Implementing Universal Design A Resolution in Support of Implementing Universal Design 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B.Res 90- A Binding Resolution to Create a Permanent Liaison Position for the Path to Independence Program to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- An Act to Ensure Public Access to Senate Meetings to the Committee on Government Operations 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B.Res 90- A Binding Resolution to Create a Permanent Liaison Position for the Path to Independence Program to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs A Binding Resolution Referring S.B.Res 90- A Binding Resolution to Create a Permanent Liaison Position for the Path to Independence Program to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B.Res 90- A Binding Resolution to Ensure Public Access to Senate Meetings to the Committee on Government Operations A Binding Resolution Referring S.B.Res 90- A Binding Resolution to Ensure Public Access to Senate Meetings to the Committee on Government Operations 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- An Act to Create Sustainable Event Best-Practice to the Committee on Government Operations A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- An Act to Create Sustainable Event Best-Practice to the Committee on Government Operations 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Resolution to Recognize CF56 A Resolution to Recognize CF56 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Galvez to the Committee on Budget & Finance A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Galvez to the Committee on Budget & Finance 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Kermanshahi from the Committee on Budget & Finance A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Kermanshahi from the Committee on Budget & Finance 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Shaffer to to the Committee on IDEA and the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Shaffer to to the Committee on IDEA and the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Martin to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs and the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Martin to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs and the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Recognizing Religious Holidays A Binding Resolution Recognizing Religious Holidays 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 90- A Resolution in Support of More Signage for Gender-Neutral Restrooms to SSW A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 90- A Resolution in Support of More Signage for Gender-Neutral Restrooms to SSW 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Joel Martin to the Office of Senator for the College of Liberal Arts A Binding Resolution Appointing Joel Martin to the Office of Senator for the College of Liberal Arts 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Erin Shaffer to the Office of Senator for the College of Liberal Arts A Binding Resolution Appointing Erin Shaffer to the Office of Senator for the College of Liberal Arts 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing John Kermanshahi to the Office of Parliamentarian A Binding Resolution Appointing John Kermanshahi to the Office of Parliamentarian 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.R 90- A Resolution to Amend University Administrative Manual Code 5,456 to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs A Binding Resolution Referring S.R 90- A Resolution to Amend University Administrative Manual Code 5,456 to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Resolution in Support of Athletics Installing Protective Netting Behind Peccole Park A Resolution in Support of Athletics Installing Protective Netting Behind Peccole Park 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- An Act to Create Sustainable Event Best-Practice to the Committee on Gov Ops A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- An Act to Create Sustainable Event Best-Practice to the Committee on Gov Ops 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 90- A Resolution in Support of ASUN Recognizing Religious Holidays to the Committee on IDEA A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 90- A Resolution in Support of ASUN Recognizing Religious Holidays to the Committee on IDEA 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act to Establish Partnership Between ASUN and the @One Digital Media & Technology Center An Act to Establish Partnership Between ASUN and the @One Digital Media & Technology Center 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 90- A Resolution in Support of Requiring that All ASUN Departments Have Gluten-Free and Vegan Food Alternatives Available at All ASUN Events to the Committee on SSW A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 90- A Resolution in Support of Requiring that All ASUN Departments Have Gluten-Free and Vegan Food Alternatives Available at All ASUN Events to the Committee on SSW 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act to Amend the ASUN Constitution to Decrease the Credit Requirements for Appointed Justices An Act to Amend the ASUN Constitution to Decrease the Credit Requirements for Appointed Justices 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
An Act to Introduce Student Media Fee as a Ballot Question An Act to Introduce Student Media Fee as a Ballot Question 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Resolution in Support of Changing the Signage on the William J. Raggio Building A Resolution in Support of Changing the Signage on the William J. Raggio Building 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Resolution In Support of Reprioritizing Enrollment Appointment for Path to Independence Students A Resolution In Support of Reprioritizing Enrollment Appointment for Path to Independence Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Jefrin Jojan to the Office of Chair of Democratic Student Engagement A Binding Resolution Appointing Jefrin Jojan to the Office of Chair of Democratic Student Engagement 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- An Act Creating Representation for the Honors College to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- An Act Creating Representation for the Honors College to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Winter Nelson to the Office of Senator for the College of Business A Binding Resolution Appointing Winter Nelson to the Office of Senator for the College of Business 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Brayden Taeubel to the Office of Attorney General A Binding Resolution Appointing Brayden Taeubel to the Office of Attorney General 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Kimberly Claussen to the Office of Advocacy Director for the Department of Government Affairs A Binding Resolution Appointing Kimberly Claussen to the Office of Advocacy Director for the Department of Government Affairs 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Making Multiple Committee Changes A Binding Resolution Making Multiple Committee Changes 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Resolution in Support of the Reno Independent Interfraternity Council A Resolution in Support of the Reno Independent Interfraternity Council 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- An Act to Create the Director of Lake Tahoe Affairs to the Committee on Government Operations A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- An Act to Create the Director of Lake Tahoe Affairs to the Committee on Government Operations 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act to Update the Budget An Act to Update the Budget 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Binding Resolution to Provide for the Winter Recess of the 90th Session of the Senate A Binding Resolution to Provide for the Winter Recess of the 90th Session of the Senate 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Cole Sawyer to the Office of Director of Campus and Public Relations A Binding Resolution Appointing Cole Sawyer to the Office of Director of Campus and Public Relations 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Noah Klein to the Office of Chief of Internal Affairs A Binding Resolution Appointing Noah Klein to the Office of Chief of Internal Affairs 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Savannah Cedeno to the Office of Commissioner of Social Justice & Policy for the Department of IDEA A Binding Resolution Appointing Savannah Cedeno to the Office of Commissioner of Social Justice & Policy for the Department of IDEA 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act to Amend the ASUN Constitution for Raising Senator Pay An Act to Amend the ASUN Constitution for Raising Senator Pay 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- A Bill to Introduce Student Media Fee as a Ballot Question to the Committee on Oversight A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- A Bill to Introduce Student Media Fee as a Ballot Question to the Committee on Oversight 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- A Bill Creating Representation for the Honors College to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- A Bill Creating Representation for the Honors College to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.Res 90- A Resolution to Reprioritize Enrollment Appointments for Path to Independence Students to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs A Binding Resolution Referring S.Res 90- A Resolution to Reprioritize Enrollment Appointments for Path to Independence Students to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.Res 90- A Resolution to Amend University Administrative Manual Code 5,456 to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness A Binding Resolution Referring S.Res 90- A Resolution to Amend University Administrative Manual Code 5,456 to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- A Bill to Amend the ASUN Constitution to Decrease the Credit Requirements for Appointed Justices to the Committee on Government Operations A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- A Bill to Amend the ASUN Constitution to Decrease the Credit Requirements for Appointed Justices to the Committee on Government Operations 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Resolution in Support of Micromobility and Pedestrian Safety Efforts On and Around Campus A Resolution in Support of Micromobility and Pedestrian Safety Efforts On and Around Campus 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Resolution in Support of Legislative Priorities A Resolution in Support of Legislative Priorities 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- A Bill to Codify Hybrid Platform for Senate Meetings to the Committee on Government Operations A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- A Bill to Codify Hybrid Platform for Senate Meetings to the Committee on Government Operations 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.Res 90- A Resolution to Codify Hybrid Platform for Senate Meetings to the Committee on Government Operations A Binding Resolution Referring S.Res 90- A Resolution to Codify Hybrid Platform for Senate Meetings to the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions
A Binding Resolution Referring S.Res 90- A Resolution in Support of the Reno Independent Interfraternity Council to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs A Binding Resolution Referring S.Res 90- A Resolution in Support of the Reno Independent Interfraternity Council to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Jada Maglinao to the Office of Vice President of ASUN A Binding Resolution Appointing Jada Maglinao to the Office of Vice President of ASUN 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act to Establish the ASUN Code of Ethics An Act to Establish the ASUN Code of Ethics 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
An Act to Update Line of Succession An Act to Update Line of Succession 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.Res 90- A Resolution in Support of Changing the Signage on the William J. Raggio Building to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs A Binding Resolution Referring S.Res 90- A Resolution in Support of Changing the Signage on the William J. Raggio Building to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- A Bill to Establish the ASUN Code of Ethics to the Committees on Government Operations and Oversight A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- A Bill to Establish the ASUN Code of Ethics to the Committees on Government Operations and Oversight 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act to Implement a Transition Period of Terms of Officers An Act to Implement a Transition Period of Terms of Officers 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Zheleznyakova to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs and Democratic Civic Engagement A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Zheleznyakova to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs and Democratic Civic Engagement 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Meiszburger to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs and Democratic Civic Engagement A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Meiszburger to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs and Democratic Civic Engagement 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution to Censure Senator Kermanshahi A Binding Resolution to Censure Senator Kermanshahi 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- A Bill to Implement A Transition Period for Terms of Officers to the Committee on Government Operations A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- A Bill to Implement A Transition Period for Terms of Officers to the Committee on Government Operations 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Mark Meiszburger to the Office of Senator for the College of Business A Binding Resolution Appointing Mark Meiszburger to the Office of Senator for the College of Business 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act Revising Officer Conduct An Act Revising Officer Conduct 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Binding Resolution Appointing Marina Zheleznyakova to the Office of Senator for the College of Business A Binding Resolution Appointing Marina Zheleznyakova to the Office of Senator for the College of Business 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Reassigning Senator Swackhamer from the Committee on Budget & Finance to the Committee on Government Operations A Binding Resolution Reassigning Senator Swackhamer from the Committee on Budget & Finance to the Committee on Government Operations 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Reassigning Senator Fiorillo from the Committee on Government Operations to the Committee on Budget & Finance A Binding Resolution Reassigning Senator Fiorillo from the Committee on Government Operations to the Committee on Budget & Finance 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- A Bill to Implement A Transition Period For Terms of Officer to the Committee on Government Operations A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90- A Bill to Implement A Transition Period For Terms of Officer to the Committee on Government Operations 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
A Resolution to Divest from Prison Labor A Resolution to Divest from Prison Labor 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
An Act to Amend Senator Titles for the College of Education and Human Development An Act to Amend Senator Titles for the College of Education and Human Development 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Galvez from the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Galvez from the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-52 A Resolution in Support of Amending Article V, Sections 7-10 of the Board of Regents Handbook to Allow the Nevada Student Alliance Chair Access to the Agenda 10/12/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B. 90-14 An Act Amending the Legislative Priority Timeline 10/12/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. 90-13 An Act to Update the Club Support Funding Policy Manual 10/05/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B.Res 90-51 A Binding Resolution to Censure Senator Kermanshahi 09/21/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-51 A Binding Resolution Establishing Intern-Mentor Requirements 09/21/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B. 90-12 An Act to Update the Budget 09/21/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
An Act to Update Compensation in the Association An Act to Update Compensation in the Association 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
An Act Amending the Removal of Associate Justices An Act Amending the Removal of Associate Justices 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
An Act Amending the Judicial Internship Structure An Act Amending the Judicial Internship Structure 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. 90-08 An Act to Update Senator Title for the Division of Health Sciences 08/31/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. 90-07 An Act to Revise the Department of Event Programming 08/17/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. 90-06 An Act to Revise Event Planning in the President’s Cabinet 08/17/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B.Res 90-50 A Binding Resolution to Revise Fast Tracking 08/03/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-49 A Resolution In Support of Establishing the NevadaCARES Advocacy Center 07/20/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-47 A Binding Resolution Appointing Helen Girma to the Office of Assistant Director for the Department of IDEA 07/06/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-48 A Binding Resolution Appointing Stacen Suzuki to the Office of Assistant Director for the Department of Campus Wellness 07/06/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B. 90-05 An Act to Rebrand Diversity and Inclusion throughout ASUN 06/22/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. 90-04 An Act to Approve the Budget for Fiscal Year 2023 06/22/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B.Res 90-46 A Binding Resolution Appointing Owen Watson to the Office of Assistant Director for the Department of Sustainability 06/01/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-45 A Binding Resolution Appointing Isabella Hatt to the Office of Assistant Director for the Department of Government Affairs 06/01/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-44 A Binding Resolution Appointing Commissioners for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion 05/25/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-43 A Binding Resolution Appointing Programmers for the Department of Event Programming 05/25/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-42 A Binding Resolution Appointing Commissioners for the Department of Clubs and Organizations 05/25/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-41 A Binding Resolution Appointing Erin Schaffer to the Office of Projects Director for the Department of Government Affairs 05/25/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-40 A Binding Resolution Appointing Matthew Sauls to the Office of Policy Director for the Department of Government Affairs 05/25/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-39 A Binding Resolution Appointing Dawson Deal to the Office of Advocacy Director for the Department of Government Affairs 05/25/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-38 A Binding Resolution Appointing Peverel Shipley to the Office of Student Outreach Coordinator for the Department of Government Affairs 05/25/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-37 A Binding Resolution Appointing Fernando Melendez to the Office of Associate Justice for the Judicial Council 05/25/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-36 A Binding Resolution Appointing Kate Hovatter to the Office of Associate Justice for the Judicial Council 05/25/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-35 A Binding Resolution Appointing Amelia Glowniak to the Office of Associate Justice for the Judicial Council 05/25/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
90-34 S.B.Res A Binding Resolution Appointing Hannah Alquiza to the Office of Assistant Director of Marketing & Interns 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-33 A Binding Resolution Appointing Olivia Rice to the Office of Assistant Director of Budget & Assessment 05/18/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-32 A Binding Resolution Appointing Shaun Mabanta to the Office of Assistant Director of Club Renewal & Interns 05/18/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-31 A Binding Resolution Appointing Charles Dunn to the Office of Assistant Director of Budget and SEAB 05/18/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-30 A Binding Resolution to Temporarily Suspend Senate Rules I.A, II.F.5.IX, and II.G.1 05/11/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B. 90-03 An Act Amending the Name of Campus Escort to Pack Rides 05/11/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. 90-02 An Act Ensuring Recognition for All of ASUN at Commencement 04/27/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B.Res 90-29 A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 90-An Act to Approve the Budget for Fiscal Year 2023 to the Committee on Budget and Finance 04/27/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-28 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 04/27/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-27 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Government Operations 04/27/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-26 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 04/27/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-25 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 04/27/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-24 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Budget and Finance 04/27/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-23 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 04/27/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-22 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions
S.B.Res 90-21 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 04/27/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-20 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Government Operations 04/27/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-19 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 04/27/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-18 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 04/27/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-17 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 04/27/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-16 A Binding Resolution Appointing Jada Maglinao to the Office of Chief of Internal Affairs 04/27/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-15 A Binding Resolution Appointing Maria Zamudio to the Office of Director of Programming 04/27/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-14 A Binding Resolution Appointing Tre Taylor to the Office of Director of Clubs and Organizations 04/27/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-13 A Binding Resolution Appointing Chris Rowe to the Office of Director of Sustainability 04/27/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-12 A Binding Resolution Appointing Zane Taylor to the Office of Chief Justice 04/27/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B. 90-01 An Act to Create the Chief of Internal Affairs 04/20/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B.Res 90-11 A Binding Resolution to Temporarily Suspend Senate Rule IX.A.1 04/20/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-10 A Binding Resolution Appointing Carlos Lara to the Office of Director of Campus and Public Relations 04/20/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-09 A Binding Resolution Appointing Boris Carpio Guerra to the Office of Director of Wellness 04/20/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-08 A Binding Resolution Appointing Amanda Vaskov to the Office of Director of Government Affairs 04/20/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-07 A Binding Resolution Appointing Trace Wolfgang to the Office of Director of Diversity and Inclusion 04/20/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-06 A Binding Resolution Appointing Jakob Schein to the Office of Attorney General 04/20/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-05 A Binding Resolution Appointing Ashley Martinez to the Office of Chief of Staff 04/20/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-04 A Binding Resolution Adopting the Rules of the Ninetieth Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 04/13/2022 Convening of the 90th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-03 A Binding Resolution Electing the Parliamentarian of the Senate 04/13/2022 Convening of the 90th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-02 A Binding Resolution Electing the Speaker Pro Tempore of the Senate 04/13/2022 Convening of the 90th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 90-01 A Binding Resolution Electing the Speaker of the Senate 04/13/2022 Convening of the 90th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2022-2023 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 89-161 A Resolution in Support of Removing the Cleaning Hours from the E.L. Wiegand Fitness Center 04/06/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-160 A Binding Resolution to Add A Greek Life Liaison to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 04/06/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B. 89-22 An Act to Clarify Nevada Open Meeting Law Procedures 04/06/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B.Res 89-159 A Binding Resolution to Provide for the Adjournment Sine Die of the Associated Students for the 89th Senate Session 04/06/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B. 89-21 An Act Amending the Apportionment of the Senate 04/06/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.Res 89-158 A Resolution in Support of Increasing Funding to the Theatre and Department at the University of Nevada 04/06/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.res 89-157 A Resolution in Support of Allowing Students a Vote on the University Field House Project 03/30/2022 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Academics and Student Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.res 89-156 A Resolution in Support of a Domestic Violence Therapy Group at the University of Nevada 03/30/2022 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S.B 89-20 An Act to Update the Department of Sustainability 03/30/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B.Res 89-155 A Binding Resolution to Amend the Duties of the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 03/30/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 89-19 An Act to Update the Manuals for the Department of Clubs and Organizations 03/30/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B.Res 89-154 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Jojan to the Committee on Budget and Finance 03/23/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 89-153 A Resolution Condemning the Racist Remarks Made by Regent Patrick Boylan 03/23/2022 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.Res 89-152 A Resolution Supporting the Inclusion of Mental Health Days in the Academic Calendar and Individual Curriculum 03/23/2022 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.B 89-18 An Act to Move Funds into the Budget and Finance Committee Budget Line 03/23/2022 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B.Res 89-151 A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 89- An Act to Clarify the Hiring Duties in the SAS to the Committee on Government Operations 03/23/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-150 A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 89- A Resolution in Support of Allowing Students a Vote on the University Field House Projects to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 03/23/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-149 A Binding Resolution Appointing Rachel Stamps to the Office of Associate Justice 03/23/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 89-148 A Resolution in Support of Student Loan Forgiveness 03/09/2022 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.B. 89-17 An Act Amending the Legislative Affairs Department 03/09/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B. 89-16 An Act to Establish the Civically Engaged Nevada Initiative Fund 03/09/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.Res 89-147 A Resolution in Support of Religious Minorities on Campus 03/09/2022 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S.Res 89-146 A Resolution in Support of H.R. 5591 and S. 1569 – Student Food Security Act of 2021 03/09/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 89-145 A Resolution in Support of the Income-Driven Student Loan Forgiveness and the Student Loan Rehabilitation and Credit Score Improvement Acts 03/09/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 89-144 A Resolution in Support of the Basic Assistance for Students in College Act 03/09/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-143 A Binding Resolution Appointing Senator Ngo the Speaker Pro-Tempore of the Senate 03/09/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-142 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Rountree to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 03/02/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-141 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Kidd to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 03/02/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-140 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Bergren from the Committee on Government Operations and Adding to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 03/02/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B. 89-15 An Act Amending the Name of the Chief of Staff 03/02/2022 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B. 89-14 An Act Amending the Duties of the Parlimentarian 03/02/2022 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B. 89-13 An Act Amending the Duties of the Attorney General 03/02/2022 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 89-12 An Act to Revise the Office of the Secretary 03/02/2022 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B.Res 89-139 A Binding Resolution to Update the Floor Assignment in the Senate Rules 03/02/2022 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.Res 89-138 A Resolution in Support of Open Educational Resources in Course Instructions 03/02/2022 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Academics and Student Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-137 A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 89- An Act Amending the Responsibilities of the Pack Friendly Business Campaign to the Committee on Government Operations 03/02/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-136 A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 89- A Resolution Condemning the Racist Remarks Made by Regent Patrick Boylan to the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 03/02/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-135 A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 89- A Resolution in Support of Student Loan Forgiveness to the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 03/02/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-134 A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 89- A Resolution in Support of Student Loan Forgiveness to the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 03/02/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-134 A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 89- A Resolution in Support of Removing the Cleaning Hours from the E.L. Wiegand Fitness Center to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 03/02/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-133 A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 89- An Act to Move Funds into the Budget and Finance Committee Budget Line to the Committee on Budget and Finance 03/02/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-132 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Bergren to the Committee on Government Operations 02/16/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B. 89-11 An Act to Amend the ASUN Constitution to Decrease the Credit Requirements for Appointed Justices 02/16/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B.Res 89-131 A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 89- A Resolution In Support of Religious Minorities on Campus to the Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 02/16/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-130 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Ribeiro from the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 02/09/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-129 A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 89- An Act to Revise the Office of the Secretary to the Committee on Government Operations 02/09/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-128 A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 89- An Act Amending the Name of the Chief of Staff to the Committee on Government Operations 02/09/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-127 A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 89- An Act Amending the Duties of the Attorney General to the Committee on Government Operations 02/09/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-126 A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 89- A Resolution Recommending Responses to Disruptive Speakers on Campus to the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 02/09/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-125 A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 89- An Act Amending the Duties of the Parliamentarian to the Committee on Government Operations 02/09/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-124 A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 89- An Act to Amend the Senate Reapportion Procedure to the Committee on Government Operations 02/09/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 89-123 A Resolution in Support of a Voting Student Member on the NSHE Board of Regents 02/09/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-122 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Kidd to the Committee on Budget and Finance 01/26/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-121 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Ribeiro to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 01/26/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-120 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Bowling to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 01/26/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-119 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Guevin from the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 01/26/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-118 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Guevin to the Committee on Government Operations 01/26/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-117 A Binding Resolution Appointing Senator Fitzpatrick the Chair of the Committee on Government Operations 01/26/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-116 A Binding Resolution Appointing Senator Shamim the Chair of the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 01/26/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-115 A Binding Resolution Appointing Senator Rountree the Chair of the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 01/26/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-114 A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 89- A Resolution in Support of Open Educational Resources in Course Instruction to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 01/26/2022 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-113 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Pelayo from the Committee on Budget and Finance 12/15/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-112 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Ribeiro to the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 12/15/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-111 A Binding Resolution to Temporarily Suspend Senate Rules I.A, II.F.5.I, II.F.5.IX, and II.G.1 12/15/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-110 A Binding Resolution to Amend the Senate Rules to Define Quorum 12/15/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.Res 89-109 A Resolution in Support of Legislative Priorities 12/15/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.Res 89-108 A Resolution in Support of Expanding LGBTQIA+ Safe Zones at the University of Nevada 12/15/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S.B. 89-10 An Act to Revise the ASUN Elections Code 12/15/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B.Res 89-107 A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 89- A Resolution Supporting the Inclusion of Mental Health Days in the Academic Calendar and Individual Curriculum to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 12/15/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-106 A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 89- An Act to Update the Diversity and Inclusion Commissioners in the SAS to the Committee on Government Operations 12/15/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-105 A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 89- An Act to Update the Assignment on the Floor in the SAS to the Committee on Government Operations 12/15/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 89-09 An Act to Amend the Statutes of the Associated Students to Clarify Retreat Expectations 12/01/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B 89-08 An Act to Amend the Budget for Fiscal Year 2022 12/01/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B.Res 89-104 A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 89- An Act to Amend the Statutes of the Associated Student to Clarify Retreat Expectations to the Committee on Government Operations 12/01/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-103 A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 89- A Resolution in Support of Legislative Priorities to the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 12/01/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-102 A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 89- A Bill to Revise the ASUN Elections Code to the Committee on Government Operations 12/01/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 89-101 A Resolution in Support of Updating Policy Regarding Campus Sexual Misconduct 11/17/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.B 89-07 An Act to Amend the Title of the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs Throughout the SAS 11/17/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B 88-06 An Act to Amend the Legislative Clerk in the SAS 11/17/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B.Res 89-100 A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 89- A Resolution in Support of Expanding LGBTQIA+ Safe Zones at the University of Nevada to the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 11/17/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-99 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Rowe to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 11/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-98 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Bergren from the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 11/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-97 A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 89- A Resolution in Support to Protect Thacker Pass to the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 11/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-96 A Binding Resolution to Amend Rule IX of the Senate Rules 11/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-95 A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 89- An Act to Amend the Senate Rules to Define Quorum to the Committee on Government Operations 11/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-94 A Binding Resolution Appointing Shaun Mabanta to the Office of Commissioner for the Department of Clubs and Organizations 11/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-93 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Bergren to the Committee on Oversight 10/27/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-92 A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 89- A Resolution in Support of Updating Policy Regarding Campus Sexual Misconduct to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 10/27/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 89-91 A Resolution in Support of Pronoun Inclusion at the University of Nevada 10/20/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-90 A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 89- A Resolution in Support of Pronoun Inclusion at the University of Nevada to the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 10/06/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-89 A Binding Resolution Appointing Senator Rowe the Chair of the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 10/06/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-88 A Binding Resolution Appointing Pierlys Hawkins to the Office of Commissioner of Projects and Events for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion 10/06/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-87 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Howell to the Committee on Budget and Finance 09/29/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-86 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Beltran from the Committee on Budget and Finance 09/29/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-85 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Howell from the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 09/29/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-84 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Ribeiro from the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 09/29/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B. 89-05 An Act to Amend the Statutes of the Associated Students for the Inclusion of New Secretarial Duties 09/29/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B.Res 89-83 A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 89- A Resolution in Support to Protect Thacker Pass to the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 09/29/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.res 89-82 A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 89- A Resolution to Raise the Minimum Wage for Student Workers to the Committee on Budget and Finance 09/29/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-81 A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 89- A Resolution to Raise the Minimum Wage for Student Workers to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 09/29/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-80 A Binding Resolution Referring S.R. 89- A Resolution in Support to Protect Thacker Pass to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 09/29/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-79 A Binding Resolution Appointing Francisco Guardado Saucedo to the Office of Commissioner for the Department of Clubs and Organizations 09/29/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-78 A Binding Resolution Referring S.B. 89- An Act to Amend the Statutes of the Associated Students for the Inclusion of New Secretarial Duties to the Committee on Government Operations 09/08/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.Res 89-77 A Resolution in Support of Mandatory Vaccination for In-Person Attendance 09/08/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-76 A Binding Resolution Appointing Leilani Harris to the Office of Commissioner of Social Policy and Justice for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion 09/08/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-75 A Binding Resolution Appointing Maya Flores to the Office of Commissioner of Marketing and Outreach for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion 09/08/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B. 89-04 An Act to Update Senator Titles in the SAS 09/08/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B.Res 89-74 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Pilks to the Committee on Government Operations 09/01/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-73 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Pilks from the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 09/01/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-72 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Noble to the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 08/25/2021 Senate of the Associated Student 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-71 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Jojan from the Committee on Budget and Finance 08/25/2021 Senate of the Associated Student 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-70 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Pilks to the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 08/25/2021 Senate of the Associated Student 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-69 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Pilks from the Committee on Government Operations 08/25/2021 Senate of the Associated Student 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-68 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Wise to the Committee on Government Operations 08/25/2021 Senate of the Associated Student 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-67 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Wise from the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 08/25/2021 Senate of the Associated Student 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-66 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Fitzpatrick to the Committee on Government Operations 08/25/2021 Senate of the Associated Student 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-65 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Fitzpatrick from the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 08/25/2021 Senate of the Associated Student 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-64 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Ribeiro to the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 08/25/2021 Senate of the Associated Student 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-63 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator McNaught from the Committee on Budget and Finance 08/25/2021 Senate of the Associated Student 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-62 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Fitzpatrick to the Committee on Budget and Finance 08/25/2021 Senate of the Associated Student 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-61 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Fitzpatrick to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 08/25/2021 Senate of the Associated Student 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-60 A Binding Resolution To Amend Senate Rule 2(g) 08/25/2021 Senate of the Associated Student 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-59 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Rountree from the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 08/11/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-58 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Rountree to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 08/11/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 89-57 A Resolution in Opposition of the Mandated Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) 08/11/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 89-03 An Act to Modernize the Manuals of the Department of Clubs and Organizations 07/28/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B.Res 89-56 A Binding Resolution Appointing Michala Matovina to the Office of Director of Campus and Public Relations 07/14/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 89-02 An Act to Amend the Budget for Fiscal Year 2022 to Include an External Review Budget Account 07/07/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B.Res 89-55 A Binding Resolution Appointing Bayla Fitzpatrick to the Office of Senator for the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology, and Natural Resources 06/23/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-54 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Wise to the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 06/09/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-53 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Noble from the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Adding to the Committee on Budget and Finance 06/09/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-52 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Wise to the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 06/09/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-51 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Rowe to the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 06/09/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-50 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Rowe to the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 06/09/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-49 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Noble to the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 06/09/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-48 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Noble to the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 06/09/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-47 A Binding Resolution Appointing Haley Rowe to the Office of Senator for the College of Liberal Arts 06/09/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-46 A Binding Resolution Appointing Nathan Noble to the Office of Senator for the College of Liberal Arts 06/09/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-45 A Binding Resolution Appointing Sarah Wise to the Office of Senator for the College of Medicine 06/09/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-44 A Binding Resolution Appointing Stormy Lewis to the Office of Associate Justice 05/26/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-43 A Binding Resolution Appointing Zane Taylor to the Office of Associate Justice 05/26/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-42 A Binding Resolution Appointing Alexis Ladd to the Office of Assistant Director for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion 05/26/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-41 A Binding Resolution to Temporarily Suspend Senate Rules II.F.5.I, II.G.I, I.A, and II.F.5.IX 05/12/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-40 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Club Commissioners for the Department of Clubs and Organizations 05/12/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-39 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Event Programmers for the Department of Event Programming 05/12/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-38 A Binding Resolution Appointing Carlos Lara to the Office of Policy Director for the Department of Legislative Affairs 05/12/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-37 A Binding Resolution Appointing Ellie Williams to the Office of Assistant Director of Marketing and Special Projects for the Department of Campus Wellness 05/12/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-36 A Binding Resolution Appointing Natasha Franzen to the Office of Assistant Director of Events and Community Projects for the Department of Sustainability 05/12/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-35 A Binding Resolution Appointing Mehak Bal to the Office of Assistant Director of Marketing and Interns for the Department of Event Programming 05/12/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-34 A Binding Resolution Appointing Corey Huber to the Office of Assistant Director of Budget and Assessment for the Department of Event Programming 05/12/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-33 A Binding Resolution Appointing Abbey Pike to the Office of Outreach Coordinator for the Department of Legislative Affairs 05/05/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-32 A Binding Resolution Appointing Christopher Lemke to the Office of Projects Director for the Department of Legislative Affairs 05/05/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-31 A Binding Resolution Appointing Ashley Martinez to the Office of Assistant Director for the Department of Legislative Affairs 05/05/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-30 A Binding Resolution Appointing Glenn Taylor to the Office of Assistant Director of Club Renewal and Interns for the Department of Clubs and Organizations 05/05/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-29 A Binding Resolution Appointing Charles Dunn to the Office of Assistant Director of Budget and SEAB for the Department of Clubs and Organizations 05/05/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-28 A Binding Resolution Appointing Parker Samuelson to the Office Chief of Staff 05/05/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 89-27 A Resolution in Support of Academic Recovery Policy Changes 04/28/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Academics and Student Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-26 A Binding Resolution Appointing Elizabeth Guillen to the Office Director Sustainability 04/28/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-25 A Binding Resolution Appointing Jiego Lim to the Office of Director of Campus Wellness 04/28/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-24 A Binding Resolution Appointing Dionne Stanfill to the Office of Chief Justice 04/28/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-23 A Binding Resolution Appointing Nour Sarsangi to the Office of Attorney General 04/28/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 89-01 An Act to Approve the Budget for Fiscal Year 2022 04/21/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B.Res 89-22 A Binding Resolution Appointing Emily Rhoads to the Office of Director of Campus and Public Relations 04/21/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-21 A Binding Resolution Appointing Robert Resnik to the Office of Director for the Department of Legislative Affairs 04/21/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-20 A Binding Resolution Appointing Benjamin Nebesky to the Office of Chief of Staff 04/21/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-19 A Binding Resolution Appointing Nicolas Marimberga to the Office of Director for the Department of Clubs and Organizations 04/21/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-18 A Binding Resolution Appointing Tara Okui to the Office of Director for the Department of Event Programming 04/21/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-17 A Binding Resolution Appointing Kaeli Britt to the Office of Director for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion 04/21/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-16 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 04/14/2021 Convening of the 89th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-15 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Government Operations 04/14/2021 Convening of the 89th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-14 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 04/14/2021 Convening of the 89th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-13 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 04/14/2021 Convening of the 89th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-12 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Budget and Finance 04/14/2021 Convening of the 89th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-11 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 04/14/2021 Convening of the 89th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-10 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 04/14/2021 Convening of the 89th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-09 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Government Operations 04/14/2021 Convening of the 89th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-08 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 04/14/2021 Convening of the 89th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-07 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 04/14/2021 Convening of the 89th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-06 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Budget and Finance 04/14/2021 Convening of the 89th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-05 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 04/14/2021 Convening of the 89th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-04 A Binding Resolution Adopting the Rules of the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 04/14/2021 Convening of the 89th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-03 A Binding Resolution Electing the Parliamentarian of the Senate 04/14/2021 Convening of the 89th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-02 A Binding Resolution Electing the Speaker Pro Tempore of the Senate 04/14/2021 Convening of the 89th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 89-01 A Binding Resolution Electing the Speaker of the Senate 04/14/2021 Convening of the 89th Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 2021-2022 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-159 A Binding Resolution to Provide for the Adjournment Sine Die of the Associated Students for the 88th Senate Session 04/07/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-158 A Resolution in Support of Undocumented Student Support at UNR 04/07/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-157 A Resolution in Support of AB 195 English Language Learners’ Bill of Rights 04/07/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-156 A Resolution in Support of AB 213 Revises Provisions Governing Education 04/07/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-155 A Resolution to Mandate Counseling Services Information and Resources on WebCampus 04/07/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Academics and Student Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-154 A Resolution in Support of Assembly Bill 141 03/31/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-153 A Resolution in Support of a Student Loan Borrower’s Bill of Rights 03/31/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.B. 88-32 An Act to Establish the Department of Campus Wellness 03/31/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Laws Yes
S.Res 88-152 A Resolution in Support of a Reno-Sparks Local Business Catalog 03/31/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-151 A Resolution in Support of an In-Person Commencement for Spring 2021 03/31/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Academics and Student Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B. 88-31 An Act to Amend the Budget for Reduced Incoming Revenues 03/31/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.Res 88-150 A Resolution in Support of Redistributing the Health Center Fee 03/31/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Oversight Resolutions Yes
S.B. 88-30 An Act Changing the Number of Senators in the SAS 03/17/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B. 88-29 An Act Amending Title II of the SAS 03/17/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.Res 88-149 A Resolution in Support of the Implementation of Universal Design learning at UNR 03/17/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Academics and Student Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-148 A Resolution in Support of Implementing ADA Improvements at the University of Nevada, Reno 03/17/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-147 A Resolution to Censure Senator Luers 03/17/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Oversight Resolutions Yes
S.B 88-28 An Act to Amend the Club Membership Requirement 03/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 88-27 An Act Moving Funds to the Senate Budget 03/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B 88-26 An Act Increasing the Wage of the Chief Justice 03/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.Res 88-146 A Resolution in Support of Amendments to the NSHE In-State Resident Policy 03/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and The Committee on Academics and Student Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-145 A Resolution in Support of the Every Voice NV Bill 03/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.B 88-25 An Act to Amend Senator Duties in the SAS 02/24/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Laws Yes
S.Res 88-144 A Resolution in Support of Improving Accessibility to Nevada PASS 02/24/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Academics and Student Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-143 A Resolution in Support of STARS Reporting at UNR 02/24/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-142 A Resolution in Support of Women’s Week 02/24/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-141 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Reganti to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 02/17/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-140 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Reganti to the Committee on Government Operations 02/17/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 88-24 An Act Amending Title IX of the SAS 02/17/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B.Res 88-139 A Binding Resolution Appointing Sivani Reganti to the Office of Senator for the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology, and Natural Resources 02/17/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-138 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Torres from the Committee on Government Operations 02/10/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-137 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Santiago to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 02/10/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-136 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Santiago to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 02/10/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-135 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Magaña to the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 02/10/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-134 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Magaña to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 02/10/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-133 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Zullo to the Committee on Government Operations 02/10/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-132 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Zullo to the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 02/10/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-131 A Resolution in Support of Enhanced Counseling Services Outreach 02/10/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-130 A Binding Resolution Appointing Janea Santiago to the Office of Senator for the College of Science 02/10/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-129 A Binding Resolution Appointing Dominic Zullo to the Office of Senator for the College Science 02/10/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-128 A Binding Resolution Appointing Evelyn Magaña to the Office of Senator for the College of Science 02/10/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-127 A Binding Resolution Appointing Makenzie Clark to the Office of Assistant Director of Budget and Assessment for the Department of Event Programming 02/10/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-126 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Torres to the Committee on Government Operations 02/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-125 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Keller to the Committee on Budget and Finance 02/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-124 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Harvey from the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 02/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 88-23 An Act to Set the Minimum Grade Point Average to Run and Hold Office to Satisfactory Academic Progress 02/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 88-22 An Act to Establish EDPASS 02/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 88-21 An Act to Amend Title V of the ASUN Constitution 02/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 88-20 An Act to Amend the ASUN Constitution for Appointed Senators to be Recalled 02/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 88-19 An Act to Allow Students with Multiple Majors to Vote in Their Respective Colleges in ASUN Elections 02/03/2021 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B.Res 88-123 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Franzen to the Committee on Budget and Finance 01/27/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-122 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Ribeiro from the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 01/27/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-121 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Kidd from the Committee on Government Operations 01/27/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-120 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Torres from the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 01/27/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-119 A Binding Resolution Appointing Senator Stoddard the Chair of the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 01/27/2021 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-118 A Binding Resolution to Temporarily Suspend Senate Rules II.F.5.I, II.G.I, I.A, and II.F.5.IX 12/09/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-117 A Resolution in Support of a Colin Kaepernick Statue on Campus 12/09/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-116 A Resolution in Support of a Ban on Hostile, Anti-Homeless Architecture 12/09/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-115 A Resolution in Support of a Survivor’s Page on the ASUN Website 12/09/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-114 A Binding Resolution Appointing Boris Guerra to the Office of Commissioner for the Department of Clubs and Organizations 12/09/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 88-18 An Act to Amend NSURJ Duties in the SAS 12/02/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 88-17 An Act Removing the Elections Deposit from ASUN Elections 12/02/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 88-16 An Act to Amend the Candidate Filing Period 12/02/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 88-15 An Act to Amend the Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 to Reflect Budget Changes 12/02/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.Res 88-113 A Resolution in Support of the Development of a Student Advisory Board for Counseling Services 12/02/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-112 A Binding Resolution Appointing Heaven Ayele to the Office of Programmer for the Department of Event Programming 12/02/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-111 A Binding Resolution Appointing Tara Okui to the Office of Director for the Department of Event Programming 12/02/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-110 A Resolution in Support of a Reopening and Closing Mitigation Plan for the E.L. Wiegand Fitness Center for Spring Semester 11/18/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-109 A Resolution in Support of Grade Replacement Policy Changes 11/18/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Academics and Student Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-108 A Resolution to Uphold Sanctuary at the University of Nevada, Reno and Washoe County 11/18/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-107 A Resolution in Support of Legal Immigration Aid for Undocumented, DACA, and Immigrant Students 11/18/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-106 A Resolution in Support of University Efforts to Recognize Nontraditional Holidays 11/18/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-105 A Resolution in Support of Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading 11/18/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Academics and Student Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-104 A Binding Resolution Appointing Programmers for the Department of Event Programming 11/18/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-103 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Luers from the Committee on Government Operations 11/04/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-102 A Binding Resolution Assing Senator Franzen to the Committee on Government Operations 10/28/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-101 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Franzen to the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 10/28/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-100 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Stanfill to the Committee on Government Operations 10/28/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-99 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Stanfill to the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 10/28/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 88-14 An Act to Temporarily Withhold Appointment of Officers Within the SAS 10/28/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.Res 88-98 A Resolution in Support of Establishing Art Projects in Support of the LGBTQIA+ Community and Black Lives Matter Movement 10/28/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-97 A Binding Resolution Appointing Dionne Stanfill to the Office of Senator for the College of Liberal Arts 10/28/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-96 A Binding Resolution Appointing Natasha Franzen to the Office of Senator for the College of Liberal Arts 10/28/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-95 A Resolution for Strategic Initiatives Towards Police Accountability 10/21/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-94 A Binding Resolution Appointing Senator Torres the Chair of the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 10/14/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-93 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Chantiyanon to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 10/07/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-92 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Chantiyanon from the Committee on Government Operations 10/07/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-91 A Resolution in Support of Election Days as an NSHE Holiday 10/07/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-90 A Resolution in Support of Recognizing Jewish Holidays 10/07/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-89 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Taylor from the Committee on Government Operations 09/23/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-88 A Resolution in Support of Legislative Topics 09/30/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-87 A Binding Resolution Appointing Senator Taylor the Chair of the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 09/23/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-86 A Binding Resolution Appointing Toni Lacandalo to the Office of Commissioner of Marketing and Outreach for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion 09/23/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-85 A Resolution in Recognition of Marc Johnson as President of the University of Nevada, Reno 09/16/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 88-13 An Act to Award Stephen Eubanks 2019 Faculty Member of the Year 09/16/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.Res 88-84 A Resolution in Opposition of the Washoe County School District’s Training and Statement on Staff Support of Black Lives Matter 09/09/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 88-12 An Act to Amend the Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 for COVID-19 Initiatives 09/09/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B 88-11 An Act to Recognize FY20 Actual Rollover 09/09/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B.Res 88-83 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Luers from the Committee on Budget and Finance and the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 09/02/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-82 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Lopez to the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 09/01/2020 Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-81 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Keller to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-80 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Lambert to the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-79 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Keller from the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-78 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Kidd to the Committee on Government Operations 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-77 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Lopez from the Committee on Government Operations 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-76 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Luers to the Commitee on Government Operations 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-75 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Ramirez to the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-74 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Romero to the Committee on Budget and Finance and the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-73 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Kidd to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-72 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Ahmed to the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-71 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Lambert to the Committee on Budget and Finance 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-70 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Abrams to the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-69 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Kidd from the Committee on Budget and Finance 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-68 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Romero from the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-67 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Ahmed from the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-66 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Doyle from the Committee on Government Operations 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-65 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Yang from the Committee on Budget and Finance and the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-64 A Resolution in Support of a Nevada Dream Act 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 88-10 An Act to Create the Department of Sustainability 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.Res 88-63 A Resolution in Support of the Renewable Energy Standards Initiative 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-62 A Resolution In Support of Nevada Question 2 08/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 88-09 An Act to Update and Organize the Manuals of the Department of Clubs and Organizations 08/19/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.Res 88-61 A Resolution in Opposition to Nevada Question 1 08/19/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-60 A Resolution in Support of Time Off to Vote 08/19/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 88-08 An Act to Amend the Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 From Fiscal Year 2020 Rollover 08/19/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B.Res 88-59 A Binding Resolution Amending Senate Rule II.g 08/05/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-58 A Binding Resolution Appointing Kendell Lambert to the Office of Senator for the College of Business 08/05/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-57 A Resolution to Uphold and Protect Human Rights and Equity for Black and Marginalized Peoples at the University, Local, State, and National Levels 07/22/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 88-07 An Act to Amend ASUN Internships 07/22/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.Res 88-56 A Resolution in Support of Police Reformation Investigation Action and Protests 07/08/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-55 A Resolution In Support of the Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act 07/08/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-54 A Binding Resolution Appointing Madeline Marino to the Office of Associate Justice 07/08/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-53 A Binding Resolution Appointing Kayla Snowden to the Office of Associate Justice 07/08/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-52 A Binding Resolution Appointing Lydia Albrecht to the Office of Associate Justice 07/08/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 88-06 An Act to Amend Requirements for Candidate Names 06/24/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B 88-05 An Act to Establish the Commissioner of Marketing and Outreach for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion 06/24/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B. 88-04 An Act to Approve the Campus Escort Van Leasing Agreement Option 1 and the Two Professional Staff Salaries Plus Fringe for The Center: Every Student Every Story for FY22 06/10/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B. 88-03 An Act to Amend the Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 06/10/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.Res 88-51 A Resolution in Support of the Requirement of Racial Impact Statements for Criminal Justice Bills in the State of Nevada 06/10/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-50 A Binding Resolution to Amend the Committee on Oversight 06/10/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 88-02 An Act to Amend SAS 101.07 of the Statutes of the Associated Students 05/27/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B.Res 88-49 A Binding Resolution Appointing Sedrick Abrams to the Office of Senator for the College of Community Health Sciences 05/27/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-48 A Binding Resolution Appointing Kaeli Britt to the Office of Assistant Director for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion 05/27/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-47 A Binding Resolution Appointing Paulina Pride to the Office of Chief Justice 05/27/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-46 A Binding Resolution Appointing Avery Callis to the Office of Student Outreach Coordinator for the Department of Legislative Affairs 05/27/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-45 A Binding Resolution to Temporarily Suspend Senate Rules II.F.5.I, II.G.I, I.A, and II.F.5.IX 05/13/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-44 A Binding Resolution Appointing Geneva Wolfe to the Office of Commissioner for Projects and Events for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion 05/13/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-43 A Binding Resolution Appointing Mirana Bennetts to the Office of Commissioner for Social Justice and Policy for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion 05/13/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-42 A Binding Resolution Appointing Ashley Martinez to the Office of Projects Director for the Department of Legislative Affairs 05/13/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-41 A Binding Resolution Appointing Samantha Clements to the Office of Policy Analyst for the Department of Legislative Affairs 05/13/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-40 A Binding Resolution Appointing Abbey Pike to the Office of Policy Director for the Department of Legislative Affairs 05/13/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-39 A Binding Resolution Appointing Beau Oster to the Office of Assistant Director for the Department of Legislative Affairs 05/13/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-38 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Taylor from the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 05/06/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 88-37 A Resolution In Support of Implementing Protected Bicycle Paths in Washoe County 05/06/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.B 88-01 An Act to Approve the Budget for Fiscal Year 2021 05/06/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B.Res 88-36 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Programmers for the Department of Event Programming 05/06/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-35 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Commissioners for the Department of Clubs and Organizations 05/06/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-34 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Luers to the Committee on Budget and Finance 04/29/2020 Committee on Oversight 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-33 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Harvey from the Committee on Budget and Finance 04/29/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-32 A Binding Resolution Appointing Nicolas Marimberga to the Office of Assistant Director of Clubs and Organizations 04/29/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-31 A Binding Resolution Appointing Tara Okui to the Office of Assistant Director of Budget and Assessment for the Department of Event Programming 04/29/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-30 A Binding Resolution Appointing Michala Matovina to the Office of Assistant Director of Marketing and Interns for the Department of Event Programming 04/29/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-29 A Binding Resolution Appointing Parker Samuelson to the Office of Director of Campus Wellness 04/29/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-28 A Binding Resolution Appointing Paige Flippin to the Office of Attorney General 04/29/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-27 A Binding Resolution Appointing Priya Bajwa to the Office of Director for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion 04/29/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-26 A Binding Resolution Appointing Demetri Bannoura to the Office of Chief of Staff 04/29/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-25 A Binding Resolution Appointing Alexa Rangel to the Office of Director for the Department of Legislative Affairs 04/29/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-24 A Binding Resolution Appointing Mattie Chantiyanon to the Office of Senator for the College of Community Health Sciences 04/22/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-23 A Binding Resolution Appointing Autumn Kidd to the Office of Senator for the College of Community health Sciences 04/22/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-22 A Binding Resolution Appointing Nolan Lanza to the Office of Director of Clubs and Organizations 04/22/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-21 A Binding Resolution Appointing Kyla Kwan to the Office of Director of Campus and Public Relations 04/22/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-20 A Binding Resolution Appointing Elizabeth Guillen to the Office of Director of Sustainability 04/22/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-19 A Binding Resolution Appointing Wes Fullmer to the Office of Director of Event Programming 04/22/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-18 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 04/15/2020 Convening of the 88th Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-17 A Binding Resolution Appointing the membership of the Committee on Government Operations 04/15/2020 Convening of the 88th Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-16 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 04/15/2020 Convening of the 88th Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-15 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Democratic Civic Engagement 04/15/2020 Convening of the 88th Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-14 A Binding Resolution Appointing the membership of the Committee on Budget and Finance 04/15/2020 Convening of the 88th Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-13 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 04/15/2020 Convening of the 88th Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-12 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 04/15/2020 Convening of the 88th Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-11 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Government Operations 04/15/2020 Convening of the 88th Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-10 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 04/15/2020 Convening of the 88th Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-09 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Democratic Civic Enagegment 04/15/2020 Convening of the 88th Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-08 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Budget and Finance 04/15/2020 Convening of the 88th Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-07 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Academics and Student Affairs 04/15/2020 Convening of the 88th Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-06 A Binding Resolution Appointing Nicolina Priess to the Office of Senator for the College of Education 04/15/2020 Convening of the 88th Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-05 A Binding Resolution Appointing Leslie Ramirez to the Office of Senator for the College of Business 04/15/2020 Convening of the 88th Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-04 A Binding Resolution Adopting the Rules of the Eighty-Eighth Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 04/15/2020 Convening of the 88th Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-03 A Binding Resolution Electing the Parliamentarian of the Senate 04/15/2020 Convening of the 88th Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-02 A Binding Resolution Electing the Speaker Pro Tempore of the Senate 04/15/2020 Convening of the 88th Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 88-01 A Binding Resolution Electing the Speaker of the Senate 04/15/2020 Convening of the 88th Senate of the Associated Students 2020-2021 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-123 A Binding Resolution to Provide for the Adjournment Sine Die of the Associated Students for the 87th Senate Session 04/08/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-122 A Binding Resolution to Establish the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness as a Senate Standing Committee 04/08/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 87-31 An Act to Amend the Distribution of ASUN Stoles 04/08/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.Res 87-121 A Resolution Against Anti-Semitism on Campus and in Nevada 04/01/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-120 A Binding Resolution to Remove the Committee on University Affairs as a Standing Committee 04/01/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-119 A binding Resolution to Establish a Standing Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 04/01/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-118 A Binding Resolution to Amend the Duties of the Committee on Academics 04/01/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Academics and the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-117 A Resolution in Support of Allocating Funds for the New Budget Increase of Fiscal Year 2021 04/01/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 87-30 An Act to Amend the Duties of the Director of the Department of Diversity and Inclusion 04/01/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 87-29 A Bill to Change Recognition Procedures Regarding Fraternity and Sorority Life and Club Sports 03/11/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 87-28 An Act to Add Coalition Club Fairs to the Department of Clubs and Organizations 03/11/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B.Res 87-116 A Binding Resolution Appointing Malaya McCoy to the Office of Commissioner for the Department of Clubs and Organizations 03/11/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-115 A Resolution in Support of the $85 per credit hour Differential Fee for the College of Business 03/04/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 87-27 An Act to Amend the Constitution of the Associated Students to Replace the Grade Point Average Requirement to Hold ASUN Office 02/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.Res 87-114 A Resolution to Call to Attention the Issue of Pedestrian Safety on Campus and in the City of Reno 02/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-113 A Resolution in Support of the Prohibition of Expanded Polystyrene Products 02/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-112 A Resolution in Support of Establishing the University of Nevada, Reno as a Fair Trade University 02/26/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-111 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Hassen to the Committee on Civic Engagement 02/12/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-110 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Hassen from the Committee on Government Operations 02/12/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-109 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Rogers from the Committee on Civic Engagement 02/12/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 87-26 An Act to Amend the Constitution of the Associated Students to Replace All Gender Pronouns with Position Title 01/29/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B.Res 87-108 A Binding Resolution to Amend Outreach Hours 01/29/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B 87-25 An Act to Amend Title II, Chapter 204 of the Statutes of the Associated Students 01/29/2020 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.Res 87-107 A Resolution in Support of the Victims of Crime Treatment Center 01/29/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-106 A Binding Resolution Appointing Taylor Metz to the Office of Associate Justice 01/29/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-105 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Ampié from the Committee on Public Affairs 01/22/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-104 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Romero from the Committee on Academics and Adding Senator Romero to the Committee on Government Operations 01/22/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-103 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Ampié to the Committee on Government Operations 01/22/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-102 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Huber from the Committee on University Affairs 01/22/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-101 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Luers to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 01/22/2020 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-100 A Binding Resolution To Temporarily Suspend Senate Rules II.F.5.I, II.G.I, I.A, and II.F.5.IX 12/11/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-99 A Resolution in Support of the Residence Hall Association (RHA) Expanding Provisions for Menstrual Hygiene Products 12/11/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-98 A Resolution Redefining the Legislative Priorities of the 87th Session 12/11/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B 87-24 An Act to Amend Title III of the Statutes of the Associated Students 12/11/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 87-23 An Act to Amend Senate Committees in the Statutes of the Associated Students 12/11/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B.Res 87-97 A Binding Resolution to Restructure the Standing Committees of the Senate of the Associated Students 12/11/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B 87-22 An Act to Clarify and Establish the Removal Procedures of ASUN Officers 12/11/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 87-21 An Act to Amend Title II, Chapter 201 of the Statutes of the Associated Students 12/11/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 87-20 An Act to Create the Appeal to the Campaign Deposit 12/11/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 87-19 A Bill to change the Club Membership Minimums in the Governing Documents 12/04/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 87-18 A Bill to Amend Title VII, Chapter 701 of the Statutes of the Associated Students 12/04/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 87-17 A Bill to Amend Title II, Chapter 205 of the Statutes of the Associated Students 12/04/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 87-16 An Act to Amend Section 7 of the Elections Code in the Statutes of the Associated Students 12/04/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B.Res 87-96 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Westerman from the Committee on Civic Engagement 11/20/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-95 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Meza to the Committee on Budget and Finance and the Committee on Civic Engagement 11/20/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-94 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Huber to the Committee on Academics, the Committee on Budget and Finance, and the Committee on University Affairs 11/20/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 87-15 A Bill to Clearly Establish the Duty of Senate Meeting Attendance 11/20/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Oversight Laws Yes
S.Res 87-93 A Resolution in Support of the Creation of Exit Counseling for Graduating Students 11/20/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.B 87-14 An Act Establishing the Senior Associate Justice 11/20/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 87-13 An Act to Move Funds From the Welcome Week Concert Account to the Programming Board Account 11/20/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B.Res 87-92 A Binding Resolution Electing the Parliamentarian of the Senate 11/20/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-91 A Binding Resolution Appointing Corey Huber to the Office of Senator for the College of Business 11/20/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-90 A Binding Resolution Appointing Sebastian Meza to the Office of Senator for the College of Business 11/20/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-89 A Resolution in Support of a Policy To Condemn Racial Hair Discrimination 10/30/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B 87-12 An Act to Amend Ttitle II, Chapter 208 of the Statutes of the Associated Students 10/30/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B.Res 87-88 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Luers to the Committee on Government Operations and the Committee on University Affairs 10/23/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 87-11 An Act to Amend Legislative Clerks in the Statutes of the Associated Students 10/23/2019 Senate of the Associated Students Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.Res 87-87 A Resolution in Support of Taking Action Against White Supremacy on Campus 10/23/2019 Senate of the Associated Students Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-86 A Binding Resolution Appointing Joshua Luers to the Office of Senator for the College of Engineering 10/23/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-85 A Binding Resolution Appointing Miranda Bennett to the Office of Commissioner of Social Justice and Policy for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion 10/23/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-84 A Resolution in Support of Establishing First-Generation Student Week 10/23/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-83 A Resolution in Support of Renaming the Academic and Opportunity Support Programs to Student Services – First Generation Student Center 10/23/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-82 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Donohue from the Committee on Academics 10/09/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-81 A Resolution in Support of the Counseling Services Fee Increase 10/09/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-80 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Donohue to the Committee on Budget and Finance 10/02/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-79 A Resolution in Support of Increasing ASUN Fee from $5 per Credit to $6.10 per Credit Hour 10/02/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Oversight Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-78 A Resolution in Support of Legislative Priorities 09/25/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-77 A Resolution Advocating for Street Lights on Evans Road and Enterprise Road 09/25/2019 Senate of the Associated Students The Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-76 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Murphy from the Committee on Government Operations 09/18/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-75 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Supple from the Committee on Budget and Finance 09/18/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-74 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Doyle from the Committee on University Affairs 09/18/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-73 A Binding Resolution Appointing Justin Baiocchi to the Office of Associate Justice 09/18/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-72 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Romero from the Committee on Civic Engagement and adding Senator Romero to the Committee on Academics 09/11/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-71 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Rogers from the Committee on Government Operations 09/11/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 87-10 An Act to Amend ASUN Club Membership 09/11/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.Res 87-70 A Resolution in Support of the Creation of the Student Media Internship 09/11/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-69 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Ahmed from the Committee on Academics and Adding Senator Ahmed to the Committee on Budget and Finance 08/28/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-68 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator D. Hall from the Committee on Civic Engagement 08/28/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-67 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Westerman from the Committee on Academics 08/28/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-66 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Prempeh from the Committee on Government Operations 08/28/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-65 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Veltre from the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness and Adding Senator Veltre to the Committee on Academics 08/28/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-64 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Davenport from the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 08/28/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 87-09 An Act to Modify the Internship Program for the Department of Clubs and Organizations and the Executive Branch 08/28/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B 87-08 An Act to Move Funds Within the Brushfire Account 08/07/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B 87-07 An Act to Move Funds Into the Faculty Awards Line 08/07/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B.Res 87-63 A Binding Resolution Appointing Isabella Bruketta to the Office of Commissioner for the Department of Clubs and Organizations 08/07/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Body Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-62 A Binding Resolution Appointing Andrew McKinney to the Office of Commissioner for the Department of Clubs and Organizations 08/07/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-61 A Binding Resolution Appointing Kevin Finkler to the Office of Programming for the Department of Event Programming 08/07/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B 87-06 An Act to Rename the Biggest Little Festival Account and Move Funds From the Programming Account 06/12/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B 87-05 An Act to Amend the Club Support Funding Policy Manual 06/12/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B 87-04 An Act Making Amendments to the Statutes of the Associated Students Chapter 501, Section 06, Subsection C 05/29/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Senate of the Associated Students Laws Yes
S.B.Res 87-60 A Binding Resolution Appointing Chase McNamara to the Office of Student Outreach Coordinator for the Department of Legislative Affairs 05/29/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-59 A Binding Resolution Appointing Tiana Antonio to the Office of Commissioner of Projects and Events for the Department On Diversity and Inclusion 05/29/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-58 A Binding Resolution to temporarily Suspend Senate Rules II.f.5.ix, II.g.1, I.a, and II.f.5.ix 05/15/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-57 A Resolution in Recognition of Dr. Cindy Marczynski and Dr. Jerry Marczynski 05/15/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B 87-03 An Act to Create New Faculty Awards 05/15/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.Res 87-56 A Resolution In Support of SB178 Which Creates the Council on Food Safety and the Food For the People, Not Landfills Program 05/15/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-55 A Resolution in Opposition of SB502 – An Act Relating to Social Worker Licensure Fees 05/15/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-54 A Resolution in Support of AB216 – Establishing A Scholarship Database 05/15/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-53 A Resolution in Support of AB60 05/15/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-52 A Resolution in Support of AB176 – Establishing A Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights 05/15/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-51 A Binding Resolution Appointing Kaleigh Evanchak to the Office of Projects Director for the Department of Legislative Affairs 05/15/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-50 A Binding Resolution Appointing Alexa Rangel to the Office of Policy Director for the Department of Legislative Affairs 05/15/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-49 A Binding Resolution Appointing Daniel Little to the Office of Assistant Director of Legislative Affairs 05/15/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-48 A Binding Resolution Appointing Ripneet Brar to the Office of Assistant Director of Diversity and Inclusion 05/15/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-47 A Binding Resolution Appointing Thomas Hassen to the Office of the College of Liberal Arts 05/15/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-46 A Binding Resolution Appointing Claudia Feil to the Office of Director for Campus Wellness 05/15/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-45 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Harvey from the Committee on Public Affairs 05/08/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-44 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Rogers from the Committee on Public Affairs 05/08/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-43 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Cocanour to the Committee on Government Operations and the Committee on Public Affairs 05/08/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-42 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Sivakumar to the Committee on Academics and the Committee on University Affairs 05/08/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-41 A Resolution In Support of SCR1 05/08/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-40 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Programmers for the Department of Event Programming 05/08/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-39 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Commissioners for the Department of Clubs and Organizations 05/08/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-38 A Binding Resolution Appointing Abigail Smith to the Office of Assistant Director of the Department of Clubs and Organizations 05/08/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-37 A Binding Resolution Appointing Hayden Grant to the Office of Assistant Director of Budget and Assessment for the Department of Programming 05/08/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-36 A Binding Resolution Appointing Sheridan Manfredi to the Office of Assistant Director of Marketing and Interns for the Department of Programming 05/08/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-35 A Binding Resolution Appointing Zachary Green to the Office of Director of Sustainability 05/08/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-34 A Binding Resolution Appointing Payton Hart to the Office of Chief Justice 05/08/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-33 A Binding Resolution Appointing Kavin Sivakumar to the Office of the College of Science Senator 05/08/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-32 A Binding Resolution Appointing Corban Cocanour to the Office of the College of Science Senator 05/08/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-31 A Binding Resolution Appointing Joko Cailles to the Office of Director of Legislative Affairs 05/08/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B 87-02 An Act To Approve the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2020 05/08/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B.Res 87-30 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Scott to the Committee on Academics and the Committee on Civic Engagement 05/01/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-29 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Donohue to the Committee on Academics 05/01/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-28 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Veltre from the Committee on Univeristy Affairs and Adding Senator Veltre to the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 05/01/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-27 A Binding Resolution Appointing Kristen de Guzman to the Office of the Director of Campus and Public Relations 05/01/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-26 A Binding Resolution Appointing Ayanna Releford to the Office of the Director of Diversity and Inclusion 05/01/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-25 A Binding Resolution Appointing Jay Don Scott to the Office of the College of Engineering Senator 05/01/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B 87-01 An Act to Award Daniel Fred 2018 Faculty Member of the Year 05/01/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B.Res 87-24 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 04/24/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-23 A resolution in Support of AB-142 – Abolishing Statute of Limitations for Sexual Assault Cases with DNA Evidence 04/24/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.Res 87-22 A Resolution in Support of SB254 04/24/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-21 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness 04/24/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-20 A Binding Resolution Appointing Omar Moore to the Office of Attorney General 04/24/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-19 A Binding Resolution Appointing Austin Brown to the Office of Chief Presidential Aide 04/24/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-18 A Binding Resolution Appointing Gabrielle Lew to the Office of Director of Event Programming 04/24/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-17 A Binding Resolution Appointing Davis Florence to the Office of Director of Clubs and Organizations 04/24/2019 Senate of the Associated Students 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-16 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on University Affairs 04/17/2019 Convening of the 87th Senate Session 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-15 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Public Affairs 04/17/2019 Convening of the 87th Senate Session 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-14 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Government Operations 04/17/2019 Convening of the 87th Senate Session 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-13 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Civic Engagement 04/17/2019 Convening of the 87th Senate Session 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-12 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Budget and Finance 04/17/2019 Convening of the 87th Senate Session 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-11 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Academics 04/17/2019 Convening of the 87th Senate Session 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-10 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on University Affairs 04/17/2019 Convening of the 87th Senate Session 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-09 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Public Affairs 04/17/2019 Convening of the 87th Senate Session 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-08 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Government Operations 04/17/2019 Convening of the 87th Senate Session 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-07 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Civic Engagement 04/17/2019 Convening of the 87th Senate Session 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-06 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Budget and Finance 04/17/2019 Convening of the 87th Senate Session 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-05 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Academics 04/17/2019 Convening of the 87th Senate Session 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-04 A Binding Resolution Adopting the Rules of the Eighty-Seventh Session of the Senate of the Associated Students 04/17/2019 Convening of the 87th Senate Session 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-03 A Binding Resolution Electing the Parliamentarian of the Senate 04/17/2019 Convening of the 87th Senate Session 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-02 A Binding Resolution Electing the Speaker Pro Tempore of the Senate 04/17/2019 Convening of the 87th Senate Session 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 87-01 A Binding Resolution Electing the Speaker of the Senate 04/17/2019 Convening of the 87th Senate Session 2019-2020 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B 86-27 An Act to Create the Pack Provisions and Marczynski Emergency Student Fund Line Items 04/10/2019 Senate of the Associated Students Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B 86-26 An Act to Remove Blue Crew from the ASUN Operating Budget 04/10/2019 Senate of the Associated Students Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.B 86-25 An Act to Move Funds into the Associate Justice Budget Line Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.B 86-24 An Act to Create a Book Fund for Transfer Students 04/10/2019 Senate of the Associated Students Committee on Academics Laws Yes
S.B 86-23 An Act to Eliminate Turbo Vote 04/10/2019 Senate of the Associated Students Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 86-22 An Act to Amend the SAS to Update the Department of Clubs and Organizations Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 86-21 An Act to Amend the Duties of the Director of Sustainability Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 86-20 An Act to Amend the Department of Event Programming and the Event Programming Internship Program in the SAS 04/10/2019 Senate of the Associated Students Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.Res 86-155 To Provide for the Adjournment Sine Die of the Associated Students for the 86th Senate Session 04/10/2019 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-154 A Binding Resolution to Create a Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness 04/10/2019 Senate of the Associated Students Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-153 A Resolution in Support of Distributing Information for Pack Provisions to University Professors and Faculty 04/10/2019 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-152 A Resolution to Create a universally Accessible Entrance on all new Buildings on the University of Nevada, Reno Campus 04/10/2019 Senate of the Associated Students Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-151 A Resolution in Support of Prioritizing Sustainable Development in NSHE Institutions, in the City of Reno, and in the Nevada State Legislature 04/10/2019 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-150 A Resolution to Provide Greater Transparency Regarding Information Security Initiatives 04/10/2019 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-149 A Resolution in Support of Legislative Priorities 04/10/2019 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-148 A Resolution in Opposition to SB 389- Banning Individual Possession of Apiaries 04/10/2019 Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-147 A Resolution in Support of Recognizing Students with Disabilities Through Commencement Regalia Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-146 A Binding Resolution to Redefine Outreach Hours in the Rules of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-145 A Resolution in Support of Open Educational Resources Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-144 A Resolution in Support of Amending Student Course Evaluations 2018-2019 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-143 A Resolution to Censure Senator McKinney 2018-2019 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-142 A Resolution in Support of AB-133 Committee on Public Affairs Yes
S.Res 86-141 A Resolution to Censure Senator Hudson Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-140 A Resolution in Support of AB-124 Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-139 A Resolution in Support of Sexual Assault Survivors in the State of Nevada Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-138 A Resolution to Add on to University of Nevada, Reno’s Campaign for the New Nevada Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-137 A Resolution to Place a Moratorium on ASUN Scholarships Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-136 A Resolution Outlining the Legislative Priorities of the Associated Students of the University of Nevada, Reno Resolutions Yes
S.B. 86-19 An Act Amending Oaths of Office for Senators Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B. 86-18 An Act to Amend the ASUN Constitution to Eliminate all Gender Pronouns Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B.Res 86-129 A Resolution in Support of SB- 145 Creating the Battle Born Opportunity Grant Program for University Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-128 A Resolution in Support of SB- 146 Expanding the Silver State Opportunity Grant to Increase Higher Education Affordability Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B. 86-17 An Act to Make Appropriations for the Menstrual Hygiene Pilot Program Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.Res 86-127 A Resolution In Consideration of Priorities for the University Dining Contract Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-126 A Resolution To Address Student Concerns During the 2018 Town Hall Meeting Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-125 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Westerman from the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-124 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Westerman to the Committee on Academics, Civic Engagement, and Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-123 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Flangas to the Committees on Academics, Budget and Finance, and Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-122 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Feil from the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-121 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator McKinney from the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-120 A Binding Resolution Appointing Isabel Westerman to the Office of Senator for the College of Liberal Arts Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-119 A Binding Resolution Appointing Nicole Flangas to the Office of Senator for the College of Liberal Arts Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-118 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Green from the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-117 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Hudson from the Committee on Academics and Adding Herself to the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-116 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Collins from the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.B. 86-115 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Rogers from the Committee on Public Affairs and Adding Herself to the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-114 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Green from the Committee on Civic Engagement Yes
S.B.Res 86-113 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Ahmed from the Committee on Government Operations and Adding Himself to the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-112 A Binding Resolution Electing Senator Green as Chair of the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-111 A Binding Resolution Appointing Davis Florence to the Office of Assistant Director of Clubs and Organizations Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-110 A Resolution In Support of Creating a Reno College Council Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-109 A Binding Resolution Suspending Senate Rules II.f.5.i and II.g.1 Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-108 A Binding Resolution Suspending Senate Rules I.a and II.f.5.ix Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-107 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Dobbs to the Committees on Public Affairs and University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-106 A Resolution In Support of the Nevada System of Higher Education to Update Investment Policies to be Environmentally and Socially Responsible Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-105 A Binding Resolution Appointing Hiley Dobbs to the Office of Senator for the College of Division of Health Sciences Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 86-104 A Resolution is Opposition to the Proposed Latin Honors Criteria Senators Lemus, Sewell, and Hughes Resolutions Yes
S.B. 86-16 An Act to Make Budget Adjustments Within ASUN Accounts Laws Yes
S.B. 86-15 An Act to Amend the Duties of the Parliamentarian Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B.Res 86-103 A Binding Resolution adding Senator Rogaczewski to the Committees on Government Operations and University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-102 A Binding Resolution to Update the Rules of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-101 A Binding Resolution Appointing Cory Rogaczewski as Senator for the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology, and Natural Resources Resolutions Yes
S.B. 86-14 An Act to Amend the SAS to Eliminate All Gender Pronouns Laws Yes
S.B.Res 86-100 A Resolution in Support of Increasing the Graduate Fee Resolutions
S.B. 86-13 An Act to Make a Three Year Percent Deduction to the ASUN Budget for Fiscal Year 2019 Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B. 86-12 An Act Amending the Legislative Internship Program Laws Yes
S.B. 86-11 An Act to Update the SAS for the Department of Legislative Affairs Laws Yes
S.B. 86-10 An Act to Amend the Job Duties of the Department of Clubs and Organizations Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B. 86-09 An Act to add Exemptions for Faculty Advisors for Clubs and Organizations Laws Yes
S.B. 86-08 An Act to Increase the Number of Government Relations Interns Laws Yes
S.B. 86-07 An Act Amending the Duties of Senators Regarding Legislative Interns Laws Yes
S.B.Res 86-99 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator McKinney to the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-98 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Ahmed to the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-97 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Lemus to the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-96 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Grant from the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-95 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Lemus to the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-94 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Ahmed to the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-93 A Binding Resolution Appointing Abrahim Ahmed to the Office of Senator for the College of Interdisciplinary Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-92 A Binding Resolution Appointing Daniela Lemus to the Office of Senator for the College of Interdisciplinary Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-91 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Alvarez from the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-90 A Binding Resolution to Appoint Logan and Lark as Honorary Senators of the Day Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 86-89 A Resolution to Increase the Accessibility of Engineering Computing Center Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-88 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Green to the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-87 A Resolution In Support of Reno’s City Council Designating Citi Center Plaza for On Common Ground’s Heart of Community Commodity Market and Produce Faire Resolutions Yes
S.B 86-06 An Act to Approve an ASUN Capital Account Expenditure Laws Yes
S.B.Res 86-86 A Binding Resolution To Strike the WTF Nevada Manager from the 86th Session Rules of the Senate of the Associated Students of the University of Nevada Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 86-85 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Hughes from the Committee On Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-84 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Collins to the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-83 A Binding Resolution to add Speaker Pro Tempore to the 86th Session Rules of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-82 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Amaya from the Committee on Public Affairs and Adding her to the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-81 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Aziz from the Committee on University Affairs and Adding him to the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-80 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Alvarez to the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-79 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Grant from the Committee on University Affairs and Adding him to the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-78 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Amaya from the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-77 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator McKinney from the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-76 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Hudson from the Committee on Civic Engagement and Adding her to the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-75 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Hughes to the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-74 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Green from the Committee on Budget and Finance and Adding him to the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-73 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Burton from the Committee on University Affairs and Adding him to the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-72 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Wilcox from the Committee on Government Operations and Adding him to the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-71 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Yeghiayan from the Committee on Budget and Finance and Adding her to the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B. 86-05 An Act to Increase the Number of Event Programming Interns Senator Grant and Director Lew Laws Yes
S.B.Res 86-70 A Binding Resolution Appointing Sheridan Manfredi to the Office of Projects Coordinator for the Department of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-69 A Binding Resolution Appointing Marisa Del Turco to the Office of Policy Analyst for the Department of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-68 A Binding Resolution in Support of the Campus Hunger Reduction Act of 2018 Senator Collins and President Jackson Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-67 A Binding Resolution Appointing Katie Restifo to the Office of Policy Analyst for the Department of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-66 A Binding Resolution Appointing Marisa Del Turco to the Office of Projects Coordinator for the Department of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-65 A Binding Resolution in Support of the Keep Families Together Act Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-64 A Binding Resolution Appointing Brennan Jordan to the Office of Director of Campus Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 68-63 A Binding Resolution Appointing Sierra Jickling to the Office of Director of Sustainability Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 68-62 A Binding Resolution Appointing Kate Groesbeck to the Office of Chief Justice Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-61 A Binding Resolution Appointing Jacelyn Canfield to the Office of Associate Justice Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-60 A Binding Resolution Appointing Jessica Velasquez to the Office of Associate Justice Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-59 A Binding Resolution Appointing Alyssa Campbell to the Office of Associate Justice Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-58 A Binding Resolution Appointing Joshua Smith to the Office of Associate Justice Resolutions Yes
S.B 86-03 An Act to Move Monies Within the ASUN Senate Account for Senate Session Books Senator Grant Laws Yes
S.B 86-02 An Act to Move Funds Within Nevada State Undergraduate Research Journal Laws Yes
S.B 86-01 An Act to Approve the Budget for Fiscal Year 2019 Laws Yes
S.B.Res 86-57 A Binding Resolution Appointing Alex Chau as Senator for the College of Interdisciplinary Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-56 A Binding Resolution Appointing Nicholas Wolfram to the Office of Projects Director for the Department of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-55 A Binding Resolution Appointing Joko Cailles to the Office of Policy Director for the Department of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-54 A Binding Resolution Appointing Olivia Komanduri to the Office of Assistant Director for the Department of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-53 A Binding Resolution Appointing Ayanna Releford as Commissioner of Social Justice and Policy for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-52 A Binding Resolution Appointing Meseret Ambachew as Commissioner of Projects and Events for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-51 A Binding Resolution Appointing Jenny Purdue as Assistant Director for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-50 A Resolution to Award Kelly Doyle for 2017 Faculty of the Year Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-49 A Binding Resolution to Temporarily Suspend Senate Rules II.f.5.i and II.g.1 Resolutions Yes
S.Res 86-48 A Resolution to Temporarily Suspend Senate Rules I.a and II.f.5.ix Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-47 A Binding Resolution appointing Connor Keegan as Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-46 A Binding Resolution appointing Megan Fiore as Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-45 A Binding Resolution appointing James Young as Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-44 A Binding Resolution appointing Thomas Setnan as Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-43 A Binding Resolution appointing Wes Fullmer as Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-42 A Binding Resolution appointing Keenan Raquel as Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-41 A Binding Resolution appointing Katie Hickman to the Office of Assistant Director of Clubs and Organizations Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-40 A Binding Resolution appointing Trevor Christy as Event Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-39 A Binding Resolution appointing Paulena Kinel as Event Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-38 A Binding Resolution appointing Nicholas Killian as Event Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-37 A Binding Resolution appointing Madison Mastrangioli as Event Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-36 A Binding Resolution appointing Justin Kuykendall as Event Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-35 A Binding Resolution appointing Holly White as Event Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-34 A Binding Resolution appointing Demitri Bannoura as Event Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-33 A Binding Resolution appointing Alyssa Abbs as Event Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-32 A Binding Resolution appointing Austin Thummel as Assistant Director of Event Programming, Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-31 A Binding Resolution appointing Gabrielle Lew to the Office of Assistant Director of Event Programming, Marketing, and Interns Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-30 A Binding Resolution appointing Mapuana Andrade to the Office of Director of Campus and Public Relations Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-29 A Binding Resolution Appointing Matthew Dutcher as Chief Presidential Aide Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-28 A Binding Resolution Appointing Katie Worrall as Director of the Department of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-27 A Binding Resolution Appointing Arezo Amerzada as Director of Diversity and Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-26 A Binding Resolution Appointing Omar Moore as Attorney General Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-25 A Binding Resolution Appointing Luke Bittar as the Director of Department of Clubs and Organizations Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-24 A Binding Resolution Appointing Austin Lensch as Director of Event Programming Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-23 A Binding Resolution Appointing Senator Yeghiayan to the College of Liberal Arts Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-23 A Binding Resolution Appointing Senator Yeghiayan to the College of Liberal Arts Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-22 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Yeghiayan to the College of Liberal Arts Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-21 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Loveland from the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-20 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Alvarez from the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-19 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Yeghiayan to the Committee on Budget and Finance and to the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-18 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Wilcox from the Committee on University Affairs and Adding Himself to the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 86-17 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Mata from the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 86-16 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 86-15 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 86-14 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 86-13 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 86-12 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 86-11 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 86-10 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair for the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 86-09 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair for the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 86-08 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair for the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 86-07 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair for the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 86-06 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair for the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 86-05 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair for the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 86-04 A Binding Resolution Adopting the Rules of the Eighty Sixth Session of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 86-03 A Binding Resolution Electing the Parliamentarian Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 86-02 A Binding Resolution Electing the Speaker Pro Tempore Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 86-01 A Binding Resolution Electing the Speaker of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-119 A Resolution to Provide for the Adjournment Sine Die of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B 85-43 A Resolution to Build a Free Speech Structure in Democracy Plaza Resolutions Yes
S.B 85-43 An Act to Add to the Duties of the Speaker Pro Tempore Laws Yes
S.B 85-42 An Act to Add First in the Pack as One of the Liaison Roles for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion Laws Yes
S.B 85-41 An Act to Amend the Office of Undergraduate Research Funding Agreement Committee on Academics Laws Yes
S.Res 85-117 A Resolution in Support of Implementing a Life Skill and Financial Literacy Course Resolutions Yes
S.B 85-40 An Act to Amend the Duties of the President, Vice President, and Speaker Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B.Res 85-116 A Binding Resolution Amending the 85th Session Rules of Senate Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-115 A Binding Resolution to Modify the Club Support Funding Manual Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B. 85-39 An Act to Amend the SAS for Clubs and Organizations Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B.Res_85-114 A Binding Resolution to Revise the Senate Rules Office Hour Requirements Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B. 85-38 An Act to Dissolve the Elections Commission and Move Responsibilities Under the Center for Student Engagement Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B. 85-37 An Act to Amend the Department of Public and Campus Relations Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B. 85-36 An Act to Create the Department of Campus Wellness and the Sustainability and Wellness Initiative Fund Committee on Government Operations Laws
S.B. 85-35 An Act to Remove the Department of Blue Crew and Reallocate Responsibilities Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.Res. 85-113 A Resolution to Censure Senator Tool Speaker Jackson Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 85-112 A Resolution to Censure Bussman Speaker Jackson Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 85-111 A Resolution to Censure Senator Becker Speaker Jackson Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-110 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator J Smith to the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B. Res 85-109 A Binding Resolution Amending the 85th Session Rules of the Senate Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.Res 85-108 A Resolution in Support of Condom Accessibility Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-107 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator S. Smith to the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-106 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Tralmer from the Committee on Budget and Finance and Adding Him to the Committee on University Affair Resolutions Yes
S.Res 85-105 A Resolution to Censure Senator Se Speaker Jackson Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 85-104 A Resolution to Censure Senator Cook Speaker Jackson Resolutions Yes
S.B 85-34 An Act to Amend The Department of Event Programming Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B. 85-33 A Act to Amend the ASUN Constitution Committee on Oversight Laws Yes
S.Res 85-103 A Resolution in Support of Allocating the Funds for the International Research Experience for Undergraduates Based on Program Costs. Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-102 A Binding Resolution Nominating Wes Fullmer to the Office of Pre-Professional and Academic: Science and engineering Commissioner for the Department of Clubs and Organizations Resolutions Yes
S.B. 85-28 An Act to Update the Duties of the Committee on Budget and Finance 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. 85-27 An Act to Use Capital Funds to Pay For A Technology Replacement Plan 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B 85-26 An Act to Amend the Elections Code 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. 85-25 An Act to Amend Title IX of the SAS: Posting of Agendas 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
A Binding Resolution Removing Senator J Smith from the Committee on Academics and Adding him to the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-100 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Tralmer from the Committee on Academics and Adding him to the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
A Resolution to Support House Resolution 2790 of the 1st Session (2017) of the 115th Congress Senators Paningbatan and Tool Resolutions Yes
S.B. 85-32 An Act to Reallocate the ASUN Retreat and ASUN Banquet Line Items in ASUN Operating Budget FY18 Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B. 85-31 An Act to Reallocate Funds to Pack Provisions food Pantry Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B. 85-30 An Act to Use Capital Funds to Replace and Fix ASUN Center for Student Engagement Resources Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B. 85-29 An Act to Amend the ASUN Constitution Committee on Oversight Laws Yes
S.B.Res 85-98 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Martinez to the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-97 A Binding Resolution Appointing Mackenzie Nelson to the Office of Projects Coordinator for the Department of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-96 A Binding Resolution Appointing Katie Worrall to the Office of Policy Analyst for the Department of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 85-95 A Resolution in Support of Net Neutrality Resolutions Yes
S.B. 85-23 An Act to Amend the Position of Chief Presidential Aid 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. 85-24 An Act to Update the ASUN Operating Budget 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. 85-22 An Act to Amend the Department of Public and Campus Relations 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. 85-21 An Act to Update the ASUN Operating Budget FY18 to Include the Director of Sustainability 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. 85-19 An Act to Expand the Pack Internship Grant Program 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. 85-20 An Act to Relocate the Nevada Sustainable Initiative Fund in the ASUN Operating Budget FY18 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. 85-18 An Act to Amend the ASUN Operating Budget FY18 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. 85-12 An Act to Update Pay Compensation for Newly Created Positions 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. Res 85-93 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Becker from the Committee on Budget and Finance 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B. Res 85-94 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Cook From the Committee on Academics and Adding Him to the Committee on Civic Engagement 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.Res 85-92 A Resolution in Support of 1874 Community Care 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B. Res 85-91 A Binding Resolution to Temporarily Suspend Senate Rules II.F.4.1 and II.G.1 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B. Res 85-90 A Binding Resolution to Temporarily Suspend Senate Rules I.A and II.F.5.IX 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-89 A Binding Resolution in Support of ADA Accessibility for Online Media in the Associated Students of the University of Nevada 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B. Res 85-88 A Binding Resolution to Amend the 85th Session Rules of the Senate 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-87 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Smith to the Committees on Government Operations and Academics 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S. Res 85-86 A Resolution in Support of Washoe County School District Purchasing Wildcreek Golf Course to Build a New School 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.Res 85-85 A Resolution to Censure Senator Compton 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-84 A Binding Resolution to Appoint Joshua Smith as Senator for the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology, and Natural Resources 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B. Res 85-83 A Binding Resolution Removing Compton from Budget and Finance and Adding Him to Academics 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-82 A Binding Resolution Appointing Brita Romans as the Director of Sustainability 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-65 A Binding Resolution Appointing Keenan Raquel as the Club Commissioner for the Sports and Recreation Coalition 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
85-51 A Binding Resolution Appointing Quinton Overholser, Brita Romans, Jake Truscott, and Carin Irving to the Department of Legislative Affairs 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
85-15 A Binding Resolution Appointing Dustin Tool to the Office of Senator for the College of Education 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 85-90 A Binding Resolution to Temporarily Suspend Senate Rules I.a and II.f.5.ix Speaker Jackson Resolutions Yes
S.B.R. 85-91 A Binding Resolution to Temporarily Suspend Senate Rules II.f.4.1 and II.g.1 Speaker Jackson Resolutions Yes
S.Res 85-92 A Resolution in Support of 1874 Community Care Senator Billman Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 85-93 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Becker from the Committee on Budget and Finance 2017-2018 Senate Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.R. 85-94 A Binding Resolution to Remove Senator Cook from the Committee On Academics and Add Him to the Committee on Civic Engagement 2017-2018 Senate Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-72 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Cammie Lee From the Committee on Civic Engagement 2017-2018 Senate Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-73 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Kuykendall to the Committee on Civic Engagement 2017-2018 Senate Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.Res 85-71 A Resolution in Support of the Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals Senator Sarwar Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-70 A Binding Resolution Appointing Alexandra Slotterback to the Office of Associate Justice 2017-2018 Senate Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-74 A Binding Resolution Appointing Anjelica Barker to the Office of Associate Justice 2017-2018 Senate Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-75 A Binding Resolution Appointing Dahlia Henderson to the Office of Director of Campus Wellness 2017-2018 Senate Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-76 A Binding Resolution Appointing Hannah Nagy to the Office of Assistant Director of Diversity and Inclusion 2017-2018 Senate Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-77 A Binding Resolution Appointing Ivy Tesfay to the Office of Commissioner of Social Justice and Policy for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion 2017-2018 Senate Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B. Res 85-78 A Binding Resolution Appointing Ayanna Releford to the Office of Commissioner of Projects and Events for the Department of Diversity and Inclusion 2017-2018 Senate Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-79 A Binding Resolution to Censure Director Kinel Speaker Jackson Resolutions Yes
S. Res 85-80 A Resolution to Remember and Honor the Victims of the Las Vegas Shooting Senator Flangas, Senator Kuykendall, Senator Thummel and Senator Martinez Resolutions Yes
S.B.R. 85-81 A Binding Resolution To Remove Senator Compton from Government Operations and Civic Engagement and Add Him to Budget and Finance and Public Affairs 2017-2018 Senate Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B. 85-17 An Act to Clarify the ASUN Internship Qualifications 2017-2018 Senate Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. 85-16 An Act to Amend the Department of Clubs and Organizations Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B. 85-14 An Act to Establish Guidelines for ASUN Stoles Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B. 85-15 An to Use Capital Funds to Purchase a New Campus Escort Vehicle Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B. 85-13 An to Make Various Amendments to the ASUN Operating Budget FY18 Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B. 85-11 An Act to Create the Director of Campus Wellness 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B. 85-10 An Act to Create the Department of Diversity and Inclusion 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B.Res 85-71 Appointing Anjelica Barker to the Office of Associate Justice 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-70 Appointing Alexandra Slotterback to the Office of Associate Justice 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.Res 85-69 A Resolution in Support of the Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals Senator Sarwar Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-68 Adding Senator Kuykendall to the Committee on Civic Engagement 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-67 Removing Senator Cam. Lee from the Committee on Civic Engagement 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-69 Removing Senator Sarwar from the Committee on University Affairs and Adding Her to Budget and Finance 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-68 Removing Senator Bussman from the Committee of Public Affairs 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-67 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Tralmer to the Committees of Academics and Public Affairs 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-64 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Cook From the Committee of University Affairs and Adding Him to the Committee for Public Affairs 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-63 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Paningbatan From Academics and Adding Him to Public Affairs 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-62 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Smith From Budget and Finance and Adding Her to Public Affairs 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-61 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Mah From Budget and Finance and Adding Him to Government Operations 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Yes
S.B.Res 85-57 A Binding Resolution Appointing Courtney Kinsella to the Office of Elections Chair 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-60 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Sullivan From the Committees of Public Affairs and University Affairs and Adding Him to the Committees of Civic Engagement and Government Operations 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-59 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Kuykendall from the Committee on Civic Engagement 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-58 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Compton to the Committees of Civic Engagement and Government Operations 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.R. 85-66 A Resolution to Express Student Sentiments on Charlottesville 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B. 85-09 An Act to Use Capital Funds to Repair the Intramural Fields Scoreboard Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B.Res 85-56 A Binding Resolution Appointing Cate Heydon to the Office of Programmer for the Department of Blue Crew 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-55 A Binding Resolution Appointing Ian Tralmer to the Office of Senator for the College of Engineering 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B. 85-08 An Act to Establish Officer Employment Requirements 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Laws Yes
S.B.R. 85-54 A Binding Resolution Appointing Matt Figone to the Office of Programmer for the department of Blue Crew 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.R. 85-53 A Binding Resolution Appointing Domenic Zanotto to the Office of Programmer for the Department of Blue Crew 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.R. 85-52 A Binding Resolution To Amend Senate Rule II.C 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.R. 85-50 A Binding Resolution Appointing Brandon Walberg to the Office of Director of Public Relations 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.R. 85-49 A Binding Resolution Appointing Holly White, Matthew Dutcher, Paulena Kinel, Gabrielle Lew, Erica Bickel and Ronald Hemphill III to the Office of Programmers 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B. 85-07 An Act to Move Monies Within the Legislative Affairs Account for FY17 Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B. 85-06 An Act to Revise the ASUN Operating Budget for FY18 Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B. 85-05 An Act to Transfer Funds from the Capital Fund to the Nevada Wolf Shop Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B_ 85-04 An Act to Move Monies Within the Undergraduate Research Journal Account Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B_ 85-03 An Act to Move Monies Within the ASUN Senate Account Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B.Res_85-48 A Binding Resolution Appointing Brooke MacNeill to the Office of Club Commissioner for the Faith Based and Service & Community Outreach Coalitions 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res_85-47 A Binding Resolution Appointing Andrew Cruz to the Office of Club Commissioner for the Sports and Recreation Coalitions 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res_85-46 A Binding Resolution Appointing Noah Adams to the Office of Club Commissioner for the Campus Life and Multicultural & Diversity Coalitions 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res_85-45 A Binding Resolution Appointing Katherine Hickman to the Office of Club Commissioner for the Greek Life and Social/Political Involvement Coalitions 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res_85-44 A Binding Resolution Appointing Rachel Wang to the Office of Club Commissioner for the Pre-Professional: Academic: Science and Engineering Coalitions 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res_85-43 A Binding Resolution Appointing Patrick Gomez to the Office of Club Commissioner for the Pre-Professional/Academic: Arts, Business, and Education Coalitions 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res_85-42 A Binding Resolution Appointing Luke Bittar to the Office of Club Support Funding Manager 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res_85-41 A Binding Resolution Appointing Keely Eshenbaugh to the Office of Director of Legislative Affairs 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res_85-40 A Binding Resolution Appointing Cole Nason to the Office of Director of Blue Crew 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res_85-39 A Binding Resolution Appointing Will Compton to the Office of Senator for the Reynolds School of Journalism 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res_85-38 A Binding Resolution to Temporarily Suspend Senate Rules II.F.4.1 and II.G.1 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res_85-37 A Binding Resolution to Temporarily Suspend Senate Rules I.A and II.F.5.IX 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res_85-36 A Binding Resolution Appointing Oluwafemifola P Gbenjo to the Office of Director of Diversity and Inclusion 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res_85-35 A Binding Resolution Appointing Kyle Feng to the Office of Assistant Director of Event Programming, Budget and Finance 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res_85-34 A Binding Resolution Appointing Austin Lensch to the Office of Assistant Director of Event Programming, Marketing and Interns 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-33 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Sullivan from the Committee on Government Operations and Adding Him to the Committee on University Affairs 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 85-32 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Flangas to the Committee on Government Operations 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.R 85-31 A Binding Resolution Appointing Jared Desamero to the Office of Director of Clubs and Organizations 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-30 A Binding Resolution Appointing Steven McNeece to the Office of Director of Sustainability 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-29 A Binding Resolution Appointing Cameron Harris to the Office of Attorney General 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-28 A Binding Resolution Appointing Spencer Shultz to the Office of Director of Legislative Affairs 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B 85-02 An Act to Approve the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2018 Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B 85-01 An Act to Make Revisions to the FY17 Budget Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B.Res 85-27 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Paningbatan to the Committee on Academics 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-26 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Lippi from the Committee on Civic Engagement and Adding Him to the Committee on Public Affairs 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions
S.B.Res 85-25 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Billman from the Committee on Public Affairs 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-24 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Bussman to the Committee on Budget and Finance 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-23 A Binding Resolution Appointing Emilia Kinel to the Office of Director of Event Programming 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-22 A Binding Resolution Appointing Carissa Bradley to the Office of Chief Presidential Aide 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-21 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Tool to the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-20 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Se from the Committee on Budget and Finance 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-19 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Flangas from the Committee on University Affairs, and Adding Herself to the Committee on Budget and Finance 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-18 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Cook from the Committee on Budget and Finance 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-17 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Public Affairs 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-16 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Academics 2017-2018 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-14 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-13 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair on the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-12 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-11 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-10 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-09 A Binding Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-08 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-07 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-06 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-05 A Binding Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-04 A Binding Resolution Adopting the Rules of the Eighty Fifth Session of the Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-03 A Binding Resolution Electing the Parliamentarian of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-02 A Binding Resolution Electing the Speaker Pro Tempore of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 85-01 A Binding Resolution Electing the Speaker of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 84-115 A Binding Resolution to Provide for the Adjournment Sine Die of the Eighty-Fourth Session of Senate Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 84-114 A Binding Resolution in Support of a Bill Providing Tax Deductions for Businesses that Provide Paid Internships to University Students Dictor of Legislative Affairs Charles Resolutions
S.B.Res 84-113 A Binding Resolution to Modify the Club Support Funding Manual Resolutions Yes
S.B.Res 84-112 A Binding Resolution to Amend the Rules of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S.B. 84-45 An Act to Amend the Title XX of the SAS: ASUN Pack Provisions Program Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 84-44 An Act to Amend the Candidate Debate Timeline Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 84-43 An Act to Correct a Discrepancy in the SAS Regarding the Compensation of the Blue Crew Programs Laws Yes
S.B 84-42 An Act to Add Duties to the Director of Campus and Public Relations Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 84-41 An Act to Move Monies in the Brushfire Account Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B 84-40 An Act to Make Revisions to the FY17 Budget Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B 84-39 An Act to Create the Office of Undergraduate Research Funding Agreement Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 84-38 An Act to Create the Amy M. Koeckes Civic Engagement Scholarship Laws Yes
S.B.Res 84-111 A Binding Resolution Removing Senator Bond from the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions
S.B.Res 84-110 A Binding Resolution Adding Senator Henderson to the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-109 A Resolution to Support Assembly Bill 1 of the 79th (2017) Session of the Nevada Legislature Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-108 A Resolution to Nominate Cameron Mixon as an Associate Justice Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-107 A Resolution to Address the Issue of a University Hard Waiver Insurance Policy Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-106 Appointment of Spencer Shultz as Projects Coordinator for Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-105 Appointment of Max Larnerd as Projects Director for Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B. 84-37 An Act to Create the Director of Sustainability in Place of the Deputy Chief Presidential Aid Laws Yes
S.B 84-36 An Act to Purchase Hydration Systems for Each Academic Building on Campus Laws Yes
S.Res. 84-104 A Resolution Removing Senator Jordan from the Committee on SSW Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-103 A Resolution Removing Senator Duvall from the Committee on Government Operations and Adding Her to the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-102 A Resolution Removing Senator Bradley from the Committee on SSW Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-101 A Resolution Removing Senator Crupi from the Committees on Academics and University Affairs and Adding him to the Committees on Public Affairs and SSW Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-100 A Resolution Removing Senator Taylor From the Committee on Government Operations and Adding him to the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-99 A Resolution Removing Senator Chiu from the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-98 A Resolution Removing Senator Jacoby from the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-97 A Resolution Removing Senator H Jackson From the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-96 A Resolution Appointing Cameron Harris to the Office of Attorney General Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-95 To Provide for the Winter Recess of the 84th Session of Senate Resolutions Yes
S.B 84-35 An Act to Create the Elections Commission Internship Program Laws Yes
S.B 84-34 An Act Making Appropriations to Replace ASUN Technology for the Fiscal Year 2017 Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B 84-33 An Act to Pay for the MyUnivercity Flags for Downtown Reno Businesses Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B 84-32 An Act to Amend the Club Support Funding Policies Manual Laws Yes
S.B 84-31 An Act to Amend Turbovote Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 84-30 An Act to Amend the Mahmoud “Mike” Hendi Public Service Award Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 84-29 An Act to Amend Inkblot Marketing in the SAS Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 84-28 An Act To Amend the Compensation Limits For Senators Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 84-27 An Act To Amend the Tom Davies Book Scholarship Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B. 84-26 An Act to Amend the Event Programming Procedures Manual Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 84-25 An Act to Amend The Department of Legal Services Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.B 84-24 An Act Making Revisions to the Wages and Positions of the ASUN Secretaries and Legislative Clerks Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B. 84-23 An Act to Adjust the Duties and Positions Regarding the Office of the Senate Secretary Committee on Government Operations Laws Yes
S.Res. 84-94 A Resolution to Support the It’s On Us Campaign Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-93 A resolution in Support of the University’s 7 Year Accredited Plan Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-92 Adding Senator Taylor to the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-91 Removing Senator Taylor from the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B. 84-22 An Act to Increase the Number of Interns in the Judicial Branch Laws Yes
S.B. 84-21 An Act to Amend the Agenda Posting Procedure Laws Yes
S.Res. 84-90 Adding Senator Feng to the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-89 Removing Senator Henderson from the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-88 Adding Senator H Jackson to the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-87 Removing Senator Taylor from the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-86 Removing Senator Jordan from the Committee of Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-85 Adding Senator Taylor on the Committees of Budget and Finance, Government Operations, and University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-84 Appointing Trae Taylor as Senator for Engineering Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-83 Adding Senator Jordan to the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-82 Adding Senator Chiu to the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-81 Appointing Kyle Sharp as Assistant Director for the Department of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B. 84-20 An Act to Increase Funding to the Pack Internship Program Laws Yes
S.Res. 84-80 Appointing Curtis Hazlett as Policy Director for the Department of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-79 Adding Senator Chiu to the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-78 Adding Senator Chiu to the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-77 Adding Senator Cook to the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-76 Adding Senator Cook to the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-75 Appointing Jessie Chiu as Senator for Interdisciplinary Programs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-74 Appointing Haydon Cook as Senator for Division of Health Sciences Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-73 Appointing Maggie Mclaughlin as Assistant Director of Campus and Public Relations Resolutions Yes
S.B. 84-19 An Act to make changes in the Nevada Undergraduate Research Journal Account Laws Yes
S.B. 84-18 An Act to Purchase New Video and Photography Equipment for Inkblot Laws Yes
S.Res. 84-72 Adding Kohler to the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-71 Removing Senator Blair from the Committee on Government Operations Yes
S.Res. 84-70 Removing Senator H Jackson from the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-69 Removing Senator H Jackson from the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-68 Adding Senator Bradley to the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-67 Adding Senator Duvall to the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-66 Adding Senator Crooks to the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-65 Adding Senator Jordan to the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-64 Adding Senator Macaballug to the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Yes
S.Res. 84-63 Adding Senator Barragan to the special committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Resolutions
S.Res. 84-62 Electing the Chair of the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-61 Adding Senator Henderson to the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-60 Removing Senator H Jackson from the Committee on Government Operations Yes
S.Res. 84-59 Removing Senator T Jackson from the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-58 Removing Senator Smith from Civic Engagement and adding him to Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-57 Removing Senator Macaballug from Civic Engagement and adding him to Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-56 Removing Senator Bradley from the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 84-55 Adding Jacoby to the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B. 84-17 An Act To Clarify Section 701 of the SAS Laws Yes
S.B. 84-16 An Act To Recognize Rollover Funds from FY16 and Various Budget Laws Yes
S.B. 84-15 An Act To Amend the Appointment Process of the Legislative Internship Laws Yes
S.B. 84-14 An Act To Recognize the Wage for the Chief Presidential Aid Position Laws Yes
S.B. 84-13 An Act to Increase the Wage of the Chief Presidential Aid Laws Yes
S.B. 84-12 An Act to Amend the Title of the Editor of NSURJ in the SAS Laws Yes
S. Res. 84-54 Appointing Veronica Charles as Director of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-53 Appointing Corbett Fleming as Associate Justice Resolutions Yes
S.B. 84-11 An Act to Move Monies within the Budget and Finance Account Laws Yes
S. Res. 84-52 Appointing Max Larnerd to the Office of Projects Coordinator Resolutions Yes
S.B. 84-10 An Act to Purchase a New Shuttle Bus for Campus Escort Senator Feng Laws Yes
S.B. 84-09 An Act to Eliminate the Salary for the Assistant Director of Digital Media Position Speaker Pro Tempore Jackson Laws Yes
S.B. 84-08 An Act to Eliminate the Assistant Director of Digital Media and Transfer the Duties to the Assistant Director of Public and Campus Relations Speaker Pro Tempore Jackson Laws Yes
S. B. 84-07 An Act to Recognize the Club Department Procedure Manual in the SAS Laws Yes
S.B. 84-06 An Act to Amend the Duties of the Club Commission Senator Jordan Laws Yes
S. Res, 84-51 Appointing Tharanpreet Chahal to the Office of Associate Justice Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-50 Appointing Taylor Stichauf to the Office of Associate Justice Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-49 Appointing Jimmy Mortimore to the Office of Blue Crew Programmer for the Department of Blue Crew Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-48 A Resolution in Support of Washoe County Question One Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-47 Appointing Kyle Sharp to the Office of Projects Director for the Department of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-46 Appointing Samuel Lair to the Office of Policy Director for the Department of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
s. Res. 84-45 Appointing Casandra Carrasco to the Office of Commissioner of Clubs and Orgs: Multicultural and Diversity Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-44 Appointing Blue Crew Programmers to the Blue Crew Board as a Whole Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-43 Appointing Sam Bruketta to the Office of Chief Justice Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-42 Appointing Victoria Arambula to the Office of Assistant Chair for public Relations for the Elections Commission Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-41 Appointing Hunter Machado to be Assistant Chair for Civic Engagement for the Elections Commission Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-40 Appointing Programmers to the Programming Board as a Whole Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-39 Appointing Quinton Eklund Overholser to the Office of Policy Analyst Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-38 Appointing Grace Miller to the Office of Assistant Director of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.B. 84-05 An Act to Purchase a New Van for Campus Escort Laws Yes
S.B. 84-04 An Act to Amend the Elections Code Senator Jacoby Laws Yes
S.B. 84-03 An Act to Make Changes to the Brushfire Account Senator Feng Laws Yes
S. Res. 84-34 A Resolution Appointing the Club Commissioners for the Department of Clubs and Organizations Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-37 A Resolution Appointing Kenneth Ronquillo to the Office of Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-36 A Resolution Appointing Programmers for the Department of Programming Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-35 A Resolution Appointing the Department of Programming Assistant Directors Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-34 A Resolution to Temporarily Suspend Senate Rules II.F.5.1 and II.G.1 Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-32 A Resolution to Temporarily Suspend Senate Rule I.A and II.F.5.IX Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-31 A Resolution Creating the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability & Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-30 A Resolution Appointing Michael Upton to the Office of Deputy Chief of Staff Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-29 A Resolution Adding Senator Duvall to Government Operations and Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-28 A Resolution Appointing Dylan Tedford as Attorney General Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-27 A Resolution Appointing Steven McNeece to the Office of Elections Chair Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-26 A Resolution Appointing Gabriel Rojas to the Office of Director of Diversity & Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-25 A Resolution Appointing Brooklyn Lawton to the Office of Director of Campus & Public Relations Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-24 A Resolution Appointing Richard Long to the Office of Director of Clubs and Organizations Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-23 A Resolution Appointing Michael Ausbun to the Office of Director of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-22 A Resolution Appointing Margaret Duvall to the Office of College of Business Senator Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-21 A Resolution Appointing Sebastian Atienza to the Office of Chief Presidential Aid Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-20 A Resolution Appointing Casandra Hurdle to the Office of Director of Programming Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-19 A Resolution Appointing Kevin Bezick to the Office of Director of Blue Crew Resolutions Yes
S.B. 84-02 An Act to Purchase New Equipment for Sound and Lights The Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S.B. 84-01 An Act to Approve the Budget for Fiscal Year 2017 The Committee on Budget and Finance Laws Yes
S. Res. 84-18 Electing the Membership of the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-17 Electing the Membership of the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-16 Electing the Membership of the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-15 Electing the Membership of the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-14 Electing the Membership of the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S Res. 84-13 Electing the Membership of the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-12 Electing the Chair of the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-11 Electing the Chair of the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-10 Electing the Chair of the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-09 Electing the Chair of the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-08 Electing the Chair of the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-07 Electing the Chair of the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-06 Authorizing the Secretary to Notify the President of the Election of the Speaker Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-05 Adopting the Rules of the Eight-Fourth Session of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-04 Electing the WTF Nevada Manager Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-03 Electing the Parliamentarian of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-02 Electing the Speaker Pro-Tempore of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 84-01 Electing the Speaker of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-170 A Resolution to Provide for the Adjournment Sine Die of the 83rd Session of Senate Speaker Andrew Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-169 A Resolution in Support of Optional Textbook Fees for Students Speaker Andrew Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-168 A Resolution to Change Senator Office Hours in the Senate Rules Senator Gloutak Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-167 A Resolution to Encourage the Nevada State Legislature to Develop a Need-Based Aid Program for Nevada Students President Fabbi Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-166 A Resolution in Support of an Area on Campus to Memorialize Students who have Passed Away President Fabbi Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-165 A Resolution to Censure Senator Upton The Committee on Oversight Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-164 A Resolution in Support of Priority Registration for Recognized Veterans The Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-163 A Resolution to Approve the New ASUN Strategic Plan President Fabbi Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-162 A Resolution in Support of Naming the Area in Front of the Knowledge Center “Democracy Plaza” The Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-161 A Resolution Adding Senator Jackson to Academics and Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-160 A Resolution Appointing Ian Stewart to the Office of Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-159 A Resolution Appointing Hannah Jackson to the Office of Senator for the College of Education Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-158 A Resolution Appointing Brennan Jordan to the Office of Senator for the Division of Health Sciences Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-157 A Resolution Appointing John Urquidi to the Office of Senator for the College of Engineering Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-156 A Resolution Appointing Taylor Curtis to the Office of Blue Crew Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-155 A Resolution Appointing Matt Giacoletti to the Office of Blue Crew Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-154 A Resolution in Support of HR 3419 The Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-153 A Resolution in Support of Raising the Freshmen Undergraduate Admission Requirements The Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-152 A Resolution in Support of the Common Application for University Applicants The Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-151 A Resolution in Support of Installing a Flashing Light on Sierra St. from Nye Circle towards College Dr. The Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-150 A Resolution in Support of More Blue Light Security Systems on Campus The Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-149 A Resolution in Support of HR 4386 The Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-148 A Resolution Electing the Chair of University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-147 A Resolution Removing Senator Schepps from Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-146 A Resolution Adding Senator Ragnone to Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-145 A Resolution to Censure Senator Schepps Resolutions
S.Res. 83-144 A Resolution in Support of the Joint Proposal to the Board of Regents to Raise the Student Technology Fee Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-143 A Resolution Adding Senator Schepps to Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-142 A Resolution Removing Senator Bruketta from Public Affairs and adding him to Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-141 A Resolution Adding Senator Pearson to Civic Engagement and Academics Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-140 A Resolution Adding Senator Bruketta to Government Operations and Academics Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-139 A Resolution Electing the Chair of the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-138 A Resolution Appointing Spencer Deame to the Office of Assistant Chair for Public Relations Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-137 A Resolution in Support of a Proposed College of Engineering Building Senator Ramirez Laws Yes
S. Res. 83-136 A Resolution Adding Senator Loera to the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions
S. Res. 83-135 A Resolution Adding Senator Ragnone to the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-134 A Resolution Removing Senator Cervantes from University Affairs and Adding her to Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-133 A Resolution Adding Senator Gamberg to Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-132 A Resolution Removing Senator Bruketta from Academics and adding him to Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-131 A Resolution Removing Senator Ragnone from the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-130 A Resolution Removing Senator Loera from Budget and Finance and Adding her to Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-129 A Resolution Removing Senator Cervantes from the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-128 A Resolution Removing Senator Schepps from Budget and Finance and Adding her to the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Laws Yes
S. res. 83-127 A Resolution Removing Senator Lucas from the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-126 A Resolution in Support of a Distracted Driving Free Campus The Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-125 A Resolution in Support of Naming the ASUN Center for Student Engagement Remodel Space “Pack Place” President Fabbi and The Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-124 A Resolution Appointing Zachary Hoffert to the Office of Programmer Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-123 A Resolution Appointing Katie Childress to the Office of Programmer Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-122 A Resolution Appointing Alexis Robertson to the Office of Associate Justice Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-121 A Resolution Appointing Jacob Springmeyer to the Office of Deputy Chief of Staff Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-120 A Resolution Appointing Kapreace Young to the Office of Director of Diversity and Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-119 A Resolution to Provide for the Winter Recess of the 83rd Session of Senate Speaker Andrew Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-118 A Resolution in Opposition of HR 3403 2015-2016 Student Government Assembly Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-117 A Resolution Removing Senator Schepps from Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-116 A Resolution Removing Senator Carro from Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-115 A Resolution in Support of Merit Faculty Pay Director Crook and the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-114 A Resolution in Support of HR 2927 The Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-113 A Resolution in Support of Grading Consistency The Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-112 A Resolution in Support of a Pedestrian-Friendly Campus The Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-111 A Resolution Appointing Zachary Burger to the Office of Associate Justice Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-110 A Resolution Appointing Elizabeth Pearson to the Office of Senator for the Division of Health Sciences Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-109 A Resolution Appointing Sam Bruketta to the Office of Senator for the College of Engineering Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-108 A Resolution in Support of Labeling Trees Around Campus The Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-107 A Resolution in Support of Stopping Erosion North of the Intramural Fields The Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-106 A Resolution in Support of Undergraduate Research Funding The Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-105 A Resolution Removing Senator Gloutak from Government Operations Laws Yes
S. Res. 83-104 A Resolution Removing Senator Upton from University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-103 A Resolution Removing Senator Huynh from Budget and Finance and Adding him to Academics Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-102 A Resolution Appointing Senator Huyhn to Civic Engagement and Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-101 Appointing Bryan Huynh to the Office of College of Science Senator Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-99 Appointing Brendan Aguiar to the Office of Assistant Director of Campus and Public Relations Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-100 In Support of Student-Run Businesses Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-98 Appointing Dana Markavage to the Office of Assistant Director of Programming Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-97 Appointing Mathew Little to the Office of Director of Diversity and Inclusion Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-96 A Resolution Adding Senator Loera to the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-95 A Resolution Removing Senator Connolly from the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-94 A Resolution Adding Senator Boult to the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-93 A Resolution Removing Senator Hannah from the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-92 A Resolution Removing Senator Boult from Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-91 A Resolution Removing Senator Lucas from Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-90 A Resolution Removing Senator Atienza from University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-89 A Resolution Removing Senator Lucas from Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-88 A Resolution Adding Cervantes to the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-87 A Resolution Removing Senator Connolly from Academics and adding her to Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-86 A Resolution Adding Senator Hannah to Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-85 A Resolution Removing Senator Mathias from Public affairs and adding him to University Affairs and Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-84 A Resolution Adding Senator Schepps to the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-83 A Resolution Adding Senator Connolly to the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-82 A Resolution Adding Senator Ragnone to the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-81 A Resolution Adding Senator Hannah to the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-80 A Resolution Adding Senator Fienberg to the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-79 A Resolution Adding Senator Lucas to the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-78 A Resolution Adding Senator Carro to the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-77 A Resolution Removing Senator Crupi from Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-76 A Resolution Removing Senator Green from Academics and Adding him to Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-75 A Resolution to Create the Special Committee on Safety, Sustainability, and Wellness Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-74 A Resolution in Support of Wolf Pack Radio’s FM Station Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-73 A Resolution Adding Senator Boult to Academics Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-72 A Resolution Adding Senator Cuevas to Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-71 A Resolution Removing Senator Crupi from Budget and Finance and Adding him to Civic Engagement and Academics Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-70 A Resolution Removing Senator Schepps from Academics and Adding her to Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-69 A Resolution Removing Senator Connolly from University Affairs and Adding her to Academics Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-68 A Resolution Removing Senator Loera from Civic Engagement and Adding her to University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-67 Appointing Steven McNeese to the Office of Assistant Chair for Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-66 Appointing Sara Hanafi to the Office of Club Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-65 Appointing Ryan Meza to the Office of Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-64 Appointing Davis Beenfeldt to the Office of Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-63 Appointing Jared Desamero to the Office of Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-62 Appointing Michael Ausbun to the Office of Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-61 Appointing Nicholas Lester to the Office of Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-60 Appointing Richard Long to the Office of Club Support Funding Manager Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-59 Appointing Rebekah Couper to the Office of Projects Coordinator Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-58 Appointing Victoria Hudman to the Office of Projects Director Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 83-57 Appointing Noah Teixeira to the Office of Policy Analyst Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-56 Appointing James Puccinelli to the Office of Policy Director of Media and Policy Analysis Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-55 Appointing Rosalie Ferebee to the Office of Assistant Director of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-54 Appointing Kevin Bezick to the Office of Blue Crew Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-53 Appointing Drake Rivenes to the Office of Blue Crew Programmer Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-52 Appointing Bradley Alvarez to the Office of Blue Crew Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-51 Appointing Anthony Lee as Assistant Director of Digital Media Resolutions Yes
Public Law 83-63 An Act to Clarify Section 702 of the SAS Laws Yes
S. Res 83-50 A Resolution Appointing Dalton Mack to the Office of Elections Chair Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-49 A Resolution Appointing Jacob Springmeyer to the Office of Programmer Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-48 A Resolution Appointing Erica Bickel to the Office of Programmer Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-47 A Resolution Appointing Meikin Gasuad to the Office of Programmer Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-46 A Resolution Appointing Casandra Hurdle to the Office of Programmer Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-45 A Resolution Appointing Emilia Kinel to the Office of Programmer Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-44 A Resolution Appointing Bryan Leard to the Office of Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-43 A Resolution Appointing Ming Chung to the Office of Assistant Director of Programming Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-42 A Resolution Appointing Mariel Tabeta to the Office of Assistant Director of Programming Resolutions Yes
S.Res 83-40 A Resolution to Temporarily Suspend Senate Rules II.F.B.1 and II.G.1 Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-41 A Resolution Appointing Adam Zuro to the Office of Associate Justice Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-39 A Resolution to Temporarily Suspend Senate Rules I.A and II.F.5.IX Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-38 A Resolution in Support of AB 111 and SB 128 Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-37 A Resolution in Support of SB 339 Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-36 A Resolution Adding Senator Cuevas to the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
Public Law 83-64 An Act to Pay for the Furniture and Technology for the ASUN Center for Student Engagement Remodel Laws Yes
Public Law 83-62 An Act to Move Monies within the ASUN Senate Account Laws Yes
Public Law 83-61 An Act to Transfer Funds within the Wolf Pack Radio Account Laws Yes
Public Law 83-60 An Act to Move Monies to the Host Line Item of the Executive Board Account Laws Yes
Public Law 83-59 An Act to Create an ASUN Scholarship for Student Veterans Laws Yes
Public Law 83-58 An Act to Add a Duty to the Chief of Staff Laws Yes
Public Law 83-57 An Act to Make Changes in the Nevada State Undergraduate Research Journal Laws Yes
Public Law 83-56 An Act to Pay for Two Microwaves for the Club Kitchen Laws Yes
Public Law 83-47 An Act to Require Executive Board Members to Attend Senate Meetings Twice a Month Laws Yes
S. Res 83-35 A Resolution Appointing Abhay Sharma as Director of Clubs and Organizations Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-34 A Resolution Appointing Raina Benford to the Office of Chief of Staff Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-33 A Resolution Appointing Drake Sacenti as Director to the Office of Blue Crew Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-32 A Resolution Appointing Kenneth Brooke to the Office of Chief Justice Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-31 A Resolution Appointing Ryan Hood as Attorney General Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-30 A Resolution Appointing Ryan Suppe as Director to the Office of Campus and Public Relations Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-29 A Resolution Appointing Marissa Crook as Director to the Office of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-28 A Resolution Appointing Tazia Statucki as Director to the Office of Programming Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-27 A Resolution Adding Senator Boult to the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-26 A Resolution Adding Senator Loera to the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-25 A Resolution Adding Senator Atienza to the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-24 A Resolution Removing Senator Fienberg from the Committee on University Affairs and Added to the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-23 A Resolution Adding Senator Ramirez to the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-22 A Resolution Removing Senator Gamberg from the Committee on Civic Engagement and Added to the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-21 A Resolution Removing Senator Cuevas from the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-20 A Resolution Removing Senator Cuevas From the Committee on Public Affairs and Added to the Committe on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-19 A Resolution Removing Senator Green from the Committee on University Affairs and Added to the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-18 A Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on University Affairs Yes
S. Res 83-17 A Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-16 A Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-15 A Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-14 A Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-13 A Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-12 A Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-11 A Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-10 A Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-09 A Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-08 A Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-07 A Resolution Electing the Chair of the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-06 A Resolution Adopting the Rules of the Eighty-Third Session of the Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-05 A Resolution Authorizing the Secretary to Notify the President of the Election of the Speaker of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-04 A Resolution Electing the WTF Nevada Manager of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-03 A Resolution Electing the Parliamentarian of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-02 A Resolution Electing the Speaker Pro Tempore of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S. Res 83-01 A Resolution Electing the Speaker of the Senate Resolutions Yes
Public Law 83-51 An Act to Move Monies in the Leadership Programs Account Laws Yes
Public Law 83-50 An Act to Pay for a New Campus Escort Shuttle Laws Yes
Public Law 83-49 An Act to Amend the Executive Internship Program in the SAS Laws Yes
Public Law 83-48 An Act to Amend the ASUN Faculty of the Year Award in the SAS Laws Yes
Public Law 83-46 An Act to Amend the SAS in Accordance to the September 2015 ASUN Constitution Laws Yes
Public Law 83-55 An Act to Make Revisions to the Insight Magazine Account Laws Yes
Public Law 83-54 An Act to Make Revisions to the Executive Board Account Laws Yes
Public Law 83-53 An Act to Make Adjustments to the Center for Student Engagement Account Laws Yes
Public Law 83-52 An Act to Recognize Additional Funds Laws Yes
Public Law 83-45 An Act to Change the Department of Programming in the SAS Laws Yes
Public Law 83-44 An Act to Allow the Sustainable Nevada Initiative Fund Application to be Opened and Reopened at the Discretion of the Deputy Chief Presidential Aid President Fabbi Laws Yes
Public Law 83-43 An Act to Change the Balance Forward Line Item in the Campus Escort Account Laws Yes
Public Law 83-42 An Act to Complete Senate Reapportionment for the 84th and 85th Senate Sessions President Fabbi Laws Yes
Public Law 83-41 An Act to Modify the Hiring of Secretaries in the SAS Laws Yes
Public Law 83-40 An Act to Create the iLeadNevada Mentorship Program President Fabbi Laws Yes
Public Law 83-39 An Act to Create the Deputy Chief of Staff President Fabbi Laws Yes
Public Law 83-38 An Act to Amend the Legislative Procedure Enacting Clause Laws Yes
Public Law 83-37 An Act to Provide Funds for the Proposed ASUN Center for Student Engagement Remodel President Fabbi Laws Yes
Public Law 83-36 An Act to Amend the Wording of Legislative Bill Procedure in the SAS Laws Yes
Public Law 83-35 An Act to Amend the Executive Administrative Assistants’ Duties in the SAS Laws Yes
Public Law 83-34 An Act to Change the Duties of the Speaker Pro-Tempore Laws Yes
Public Law 83-33 An Act to Expand the Pack Internship Grant Program President Fabbi Laws Yes
Public Law 83-32 An Act to Provide Funding for the GivePulse Civic Engagement Software President Fabbi Laws Yes
Public Law 83-31 An Act to Create the Sustainable Nevada Initiative Fund Laws Yes
Public Law 83-30 An Act to Change the Name of the Food Pantry Laws Yes
Public Law 83-29 An Act to Remove Paper Quality Duties of the Speaker of the Senate in the SAS (veto) Laws
Public Law 83-28 An Act to Amend the Legislative Internship Program in the SAS (veto) Laws
Public Law 83-27 An Act to Amend the Executive Internship Program Laws Yes
Public Law 83-26 An Act to Amend the Government Relations Internship Program Laws Yes
Public Law 83-25 An Act to Amend Internship Deadlines in the SAS Director Crook Laws Yes
Public Law 83-24 An Act to Make Various Changes to the Blue Crew and Executive Board Accounts Laws Yes
Public Law 83-23 An Act Making Appropriations for Undergraduate Research Funding Laws Yes
Public Law 83-22 An Act to Remove the Last Lecture Series Program Laws Yes
Public Law 83-21 An Act to Increase Student Wages for the ASUN Center for Student Engagement President Fabbi Laws Yes
Public Law 83-20 An Act Requesting Movement of Monies for ASUN Website Laws Yes
Public Law 83-19 An Act to Recognize Rollover Funds from FY15 Laws Yes
Public Law 83-18 An Act to Pay for the Design of the ASUN Center for Student Engagement Remodel Laws Yes
Public Law 83-17 An Act to Recognize the Salary for the New Director of Diversity and Inclusion Position Laws Yes
Public Law 83-16 An Act to Pay for a New Wolf Pack Radio Computer Laws Yes
Public Law 83-15 An Act to Create the Director of Diversity and Inclusion Laws Yes
Public Law 83-14 An Act to Modify Chapter 1305 of the SAS Laws Yes
Public Law 83-13 An Act to Increase the Programming Line to Accommodate for a Welcome Week Speaker Laws Yes
Public Law 83-12 An Act to Add to the Job Duties of the Vice President By Creating a Liaison Position Connecting the ASUN Government to the ASUN Services Laws Yes
Public Law 83-11 An Act to Move Monies in the Wolf Pack Radio Account for Fiscal Year 2015 Laws Yes
Public Law 83-10 An Act to Add an Automatic Contingency When Working with UNR Facilities on Capital Projects Laws Yes
Public Laws 83-09 An Act Making Appropriations to the Campus Escort Account Laws Yes
Public Law 83-08 An Act to Pay for the Movement of the Rugby Goal Posts on the John Sala Intramural Field Laws Yes
Public Law 83-07 An Act to Make Various Changes to the Budget for Fiscal Year 2016 Laws Yes
Public Law 83-06 An Act Making Appropriations for Campus Escort to Purchase New Vehicles Laws Yes
Public Law 83-05 An Act to Replace the ASUN TV Monitors and Technology Laws Yes
Public Law 83-04 An Act to Pay to Replace the Scoreboard on the John Sala Intramural Field Laws Yes
Public Law 83-03 An Act to Approve the Budget for Fiscal Year 2016 Laws Yes
Public Law 83-02 An Act Making Appropriations for Replacing ASUN Technology Laws Yes
Public Law 83-01 An Act to Increase the Wages of Club Commissioners Senator Atienza Laws Yes
Public Law 80-01 To Amend SAS 210 Laws
Public Law 80-02 An Act Making Appropriations for Student Wages and Fringe Line for Legislative Affairs Laws
Public Law 80-03 An Act Making Appropriations for the Senate Operating Account Laws Yes
Public Law 80-04 An Act Making Appropriations for Emergency Tuition Program for Milton D. Glick Academic Initiatives Laws
Public Law 80-05 An Act Making Appropriations for Professional Salaries and Travel for ASUN Student Activities Center Laws
Public Law 80-06 An Act Making Appropriations for the Publications Advertising Wages Account Laws
Public Law 80-07 An Act Making Appropriations for Ride Cell or Campus Escort For Fiscal Year 2012 Laws
Public Law 80-13 An Act to Amend SAS 1108 Laws Yes
Public Law 80-08 An Act Making Appropriations for the Freshman Hub Laws
Public Law 80-09 An Act Making Appropriations for Operations for Campus Escort Laws
Public Law 80-10 An Act Making Appropriations for Student Fees for Revenues for Fiscal Year 2012 Laws
Public Law 80-11 An Act to Amend SAS 502 Laws
Public Law 80-12 An Act Making Appropriations for the Freshman Hub Laws
Public Law 80-14 An Act Making Appropriations for Campus Escort to Purchase New Vehicles for Fiscal Year 2012 Laws
Public Law 80-15 An Act Making Appropriations for Replacement of Television Monitor in the William J. Raggio Building Laws
Public Law 80-16 An Act Recognizing the Rollover and Corrections for Fiscal Year 2013 Laws
Public Law 80-17 An Act Making Appropriations for Clubs Account for Fiscal Year 2013 Laws
Public Law 80-18 An Act to Amend SAS Title XI: Chapter 1111 Laws
Public Law 80-19 An Act to Amend the Second Title of the Statues of the Associated Students of the University of Nevada Laws
Public Law 80-20 An Act Making Appropriations for Inkblot Promotions for Fiscal Year 2013 Laws
Public Law 80-21 An Act Making Appropriations to Purchase an ASUN Vehicle for Fiscal Year 2012 Laws
Public Law 80-22 An Act to Amend Title I: The Legislative Branch of the SAS Laws
Public Law 80-23 An Act to Amend SAS 210: Executive Compensation Schedule Laws
Public Law 80-24 An Act Making Appropriations for the Emergency Tuition Fund for Fiscal Year 2013 Laws
Public Law 80-25 An Act to Amend Title IV Treasury of the Association of the SAS Laws Yes
Public Law 80-26 An Act to Amend Title VII of the SAS Open Meeting Laws Yes
Public Law 80-27 An Act to Amend SAS V on ASUN Elections Laws
Public Law 80-28 An Act Making Modifications to the Unity Initiates for Fiscal Year 2013 Laws
Public Law 80-29 An Act Making Modifications to the Elections Account for Fiscal Year 2013 Laws
Public Law 80-30 An Act to Amend Title XI Scholarships Laws
Public Law 80-31 An Act to Amend Title XI Scholarships Laws
Public Law 80-32 An Act to Amend Title XIV of the SAS: Advertising Department Laws
Public Law 80-33 An Act to Amend Title XXII of the SAS: ASUN Food Pantry Laws
Public Law 80-34 An Act Making Appropriations for the Traditions Account for Fiscal Year 2013 Laws
Public Law 80-35 An Act Making Appropriations for the Executive Board Account for Fiscal Year 2013 Laws
Public Law 80-36 An Act Making Appropriations for the Purchase of a Female Mascot Laws
Public Law 80-37 An Act Making Appropriations for the Brushfire Account for Fiscal Year 2013 Laws
Public Law 80-38 An Act to Amend Title II of the SAS the Executive Branch Laws
Public Law 80-39 An Act Making Appropriations for the Clubs Account for Fiscal Year 2013 Laws
Public Law 80-41 An Act to Amend Title V of SAS Elections Laws
Public Law 80-42 An Act Making Appropriations for the Programming Account for Fiscal Year 2013 Laws
Public Law 81-01 Moving Monies into the ASUN Funding Account Laws
Public Law 81-02 Appropriations for a John Mackay Scholarship Laws
Public Law 81-03 Making Appropriations to Purchase a New Computer Laws
Public Law 81-04 Amending Title II of the SAS Laws
Public Law 81-05 Approving the Budget Laws
Public Law 81-06 An Act Amending Title 001 of The SAS Laws
Public Law 81-07 An Act Making Appropriations Improving the John Sala Intramural Fields Laws
Public Law 81-08 An Act to Create the Standing Committee on Civic Engagement Laws
Public Law 81-09 Amending Chapter 101 of the SAS: Composition Laws
Public Law 81-10 To Propose a Survey of the Student Body Regarding Proposed New Fees Laws
Public Law 81-11 An Act to Make Changes to the Budget for Fiscal Year 2014 Laws
Public Law 81-12 To Amend a Deadline for Filing Charges Laws
Public Law 81-13 To Add a Deadline for Nominations Regarding Associate Justices and Chief Justices Laws
Public Law 81-14 Making Appropriations to Purchase New Television Monitors Laws
Public Law 81-15 To Amend SAS 101.11 Reapportionment of ASUN Senate Seats Laws
Public Law 81-16 Making Appropriations to Purchase Sound and Light Equipment Laws
Public Law 81-17 Establishing the Last Lecture Series Laws
Public Law 81-18 Making Various Changes to the Budget Laws
Public Law 81-19 To Recognize Revenues from Homecoming Laws
Public Law 81-20 To Change the Pay of the Chief Justice Laws
Public Law 81-21 To Remove Title XIX and XXI from the Statutes Laws
Public Law 81-22 Amending the SAS Title 201.02D Laws
Public Law 81-23 To Amend Title V of the SAS Laws
Public Law 81-24 Making Appropriations For Computer Purchases For Fiscal Year 2014 Laws
Public Law 81-25 An Act to Create a Line Item in the Budget for the Veteran’s Breakfast Laws
Public Law 81-26 An Act to Increase Funds in Emergency Line Items Laws
Public Law 81-27 An Act Making Appropriations to Purchase an ASUN Shuttle Bus Laws
Public Law 81-28 Allowing for the Issuance of Presidential Proclamations Laws
Public Law 81-29 An Act Recognizing the John Mackay Scholarship in Title XI of the SAS Laws
Public Law 81-30 An Act Amending Title XI of the SAS Laws
Public Law 81-31 An Act to Transfer Funds from Elections to Traditions Laws
Public Law 81-32 An Act Amending Title IV of the SAS Laws
Public Law 81-33 An Act To Restructure ASUN Programming Laws
Public Law 81-34 An Act to Amend the Budget for the Unity Commission Account Laws
Public Law 81-35 An Act amending the Department of Legislative Affairs Laws
Public Law 81-36 An Act Making Inkblot Responsible to the Director of Campus and Public Relations Laws
Public Law 81-37 An Act to Amend the Budget for the Center for Student Engagement Account Laws
Public Law 81-38 An Act Making Appropriations to Purchase Proxy Card Readers for the Center for Student Engagement Laws
Public Law 81-39 An Act Making Appropriations to Create a New ASUN Website Laws
Public Law 81-40 An Act To Create A New Title For ASUN Internship Programs Laws
Public Law 81-41 Creation Of Speaker Pro-Tempore Laws
Public law 81-42 An Act To Remove Members-At-Large From The SAS Laws
Public Law 82-01 An Act to Change the Pay, Composition, and Structure of the Elections Commission Laws
Public Law 82-02 An Act to Amend the Budget for the ASUN Senate Account Laws
Public Law 82-03 An Act to Approve the Budget for Fiscal Year 2015 Laws
Public Law 82-04 An Act to Create the Position of Executive Administrative Assistant Laws
Public Law 82-05 An Act Making Appropriations for a Student and Alumni Email Service Laws
Public Law 82-06 An Act to Amend the Budget for the Legal Services Account Laws
Public Law 82-07 An Act to Create a Line Item in the Budget for the Executive Administrative Assistants Laws
Public Law 82-08 An Act to Create a New Chapter Programming Interns within S.A.S Title IV ASUN Internship Program Laws
Public Law 82-09 An Act Allowing The Vice President To Establish Advisory Boards Laws
Public Law 82-10 An Act to Ammend How Officers are Compensated in the SAS Laws
Public Law 82-11 An Act to Create the Government Relations Internship Program Laws
Public Law 82-12 An Act to Create the Department of Clubs and Organizations Internship Program Laws
Public Law 82-13 An Act to Amend the Numbering of Bills Laws
Public Law 82-14 An Act to Create the Pack Internship Program Laws
Public Law 82-15 An Act to Create the Judicial Internship Program Laws
Public Law 82-17 A Bill to Mandate Attendance of Department of Programming Meetings Laws
Public Law 82-18 An Act to Making Appropriations for the TurboVote Program Laws
Public Law 82-19 An Act to Establish the Speaker’s Task Force on Association Outreach Laws
Public Law 82-20 An Act to Create the Assistant Director of Public Relations and Assistant Director of Digital Media Laws
Public Law 82-21 An Act to Create the Pay of the Assistant Director of Public and Campus Relations and Assistant Director of Digital Media Laws
Public Law 82-23 An Act to Modify the Legislative Internship Program to Allow Interns to Serve on Special Committees Laws
Public Law 82-24 An Act to Modify Title I of the SAS Laws
Public Law 82-25 An Act Making Various Changes to the Budget for Fiscal Year 2015 Laws
Public Law 82-26 An Act to Modify Title II of the SAS Laws
Public Law 82-27 An Act Moving Monies to the ASUN Senate Account Laws
Public Law 82-28 An Act Making Appropriations to Purchase Sound and Light Equipment Laws
Public Law 82-29 An Act to Account for Fiscal Year 2014 Rollover Laws
Public Law 82-30 An Act to Amend the Vice Presidents Duties Laws
Public Law 82-31 An Act Amending Title XXIII: Scholarships Laws
Public Law 82-32 An Act to Place a Question on the Ballot for the 2015 General Election Requesting the Authorization for the Senate of the Associated Students to Fill the Vacant Seat Following the Election of the Speaker of the Senate Laws
Public Law 82-33 An Act to Place a Question on the Ballot for the 2015 General Election to Increase the Number of Credits a Student Must be Enrolled in Order to Run or Hold Office in the Associated Students Laws
Public Law 82-34 An Act Creating the Positions of Vice Chair and Secretary for the Legislative Intern Program Laws
Public Law 82-35 An Act to Pay for the Leaders at the Legislature Event Laws
Public Law 82-36 An Act to Amend Title VIII of the SAS Laws
Public Law 82-37 An Act to Remove the Student Health Partnership from the SAS Laws
Public Law 82-38 An Act to Remove Title XVI from the SAS Laws
Public Law 82-39 An Act to Remove Title III from the SAS Laws
Public Law 82-40 An Act to Amend Title VII of the SAS Laws
Public Law 82-41 A Bill to Place the Executive Administrative Assistants Under the Purview of the Secretary of the Senate Laws
Public Law 82-42 An Act to Pay to Replace the Field Turf on the John Sala Intramural Field Laws
Public Law 82-43 An Bill to Require the Elections Chair to Follow Nevada Open Meeting Law Laws
Public Law 82-46 An Act to Consolidate Duties in the SAS Laws
Public Law 82-51 An Act to Approve Funds for the Pennington Student Achievement Center Plaque to Honor Graduates Laws
S. Res. 80-01 Electing the Speaker of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 80-02 Authorizing the Secretary to Notify the President of the Election of the Speaker Resolutions
S. Res. 80-03 Electing the Secretary of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 80-04 Electing the Parliamentarian of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 80-05 Adopting the Rules of the 79th Session of the Associated Students of the University of Nevada Resolutions
S. Res. 80-06 Electing the Chair on the Committee of Budget and Finance Resolutions
S. Res. 80-07 Electing the Chair on the Committee of Government Operations Resolutions
S. Res. 80-08 Electing the Chair on the Committee of Academics Resolutions
S. Res. 80-09 Electing the Chair on the Committee of Public Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 80-10 Electing the Chair on the Committee of University Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 80-11 Membership for the Committee on Academics Resolutions
S. Res. 80-12 Membership for the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions
S. Res. 80-13 Membership for the Committee of Government Operations Resolutions
S. Res. 80-14 Membership for the Committee on Oversight Resolutions
S. Res. 80-15 Membership for the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 80-16 Membership for the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 80-17 In Honor of the life of Senator William Raggio and his Dedication to the University of Nevada, and the Nevada System of Higher Education, and the State of Nevada Resolutions
To Honor the One Year Anniversary of President Milton D. Glick and his Passing and his Dedication to the University of Nevada and the Nevada System of Higher Education Resolutions
S. Res. 80-21 Appointing Michael Stannard to the Office of Director of Legislative Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 80-22 Appointing Shaun Carroll to the Office of Director of Traditions Resolutions
S. Res. 80-23 Appointing James Kuzhippala to the Office of Elections Board Resolutions
S. Res. 80-24 Appointing Christopher Gomez to the Office of Director of Clubs and Organizations Resolutions
S. Res. 80-25 Appointing Erik Edgington to the Office of Chief of Staff Resolutions
S. Res. 80-26 Appointing Wesley Nilsson to the Office of Director of Programming Resolutions
S. Res. 80-27 Appointing Jenelle Yee to the Office of Director of Unity Resolutions
S. Res. 80-28 Appointing Kathryn Merrill to the Office of Attorney General Resolutions
S. Res. 80-29 Appointing Jessica Fagundes to the Office of Presidential Aid on Public Relations Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 80-19 Providing for the Summer Recess of the 80th Session of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 80-20 Membership for the Committee on Interim Operations for the Summer Resolutions
S. Res. 80-30 Electing the Secretary of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 80-31 Appointing David Valez to the Position of Club Support Funding Manager Resolutions
S. Res. 80-32 Appointing River Jangda to the Position of Club Commissioner Resolutions
S. Res. 80-33 Appointing Russell Richardson to the Position of Club Commissioner Resolutions
S. Res. 80-34 Appointing Sonny Licata to the Position of Club Commissioner Resolutions
S. Res. 80-35 Appointing Araceli Ceballos to the Position of Club Commissioner Resolutions
S. Res. 80-36 Appointing Mike Montiel to the Position of Club Commissioner Resolutions
S. Res. 80-37 Appointing Rachel Olbur to the Position of Club Commissioner Resolutions
S. Res. 80-38 Appointing Joseph Dimitrov to the Position of Chief Justice Resolutions
S. Res. 80-39 Appointing Colby Fountain to the Position of Associate Justice Resolutions
S. Res. 80-40 Appointing Jordan Christensen to the Office of Associate Justice Resolutions
S. Res. 80-41 Appointing Robert del Carlo to the Office of Associate Justice Resolutions
S. Res. 80-42 Removing Senator O’Shea from Committee on Academics Resolutions
S. Res. 80-43 Removing Senator Brynes from Committee of Public Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 80-44 To Establish the Special Committee on the ASUN Housing Initiative Resolutions
S. Res. 80-45 Appointing Aaron Martinez to the 80th Session of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 80-46 Appointing Kelly Waldeck to the 80th Session of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 80-47 Appointing Riley Snyder to the 80th Session of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 80-48 Adding Senator Martinez to the Committee on Academics Resolutions
S. Res. 80-49 Adding Senator Martinez to the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 80-50 Adding Senator Snyder to the Committee on Government Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 80-51 Adding Senator Snyder to the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 80-52 Adding Senator Waldeck to the Committee on Academics Resolutions
S. Res. 80-53 Adding Senator Waldeck to the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 80-55 Adding Senator Martinez to the Special Committee on the Cooperative Housing Initiative Resolutions
S. Res. 80-54 Resolution in Support of Adding a Voting Student Regent to the Nevada System of Higher Education Board of Regents Resolutions
S. Res. 80-56 Removing Senator Baig from the Special Committee on the Cooperative Housing Initiative Resolutions
S. Res. 80-57 To Propose a Strict Time-Limit on the Duration of Class Resolutions
S. Res. 80-58 Renaming the Joe Crowley Student Union Ballrooms in Honor of Former President Glick Resolutions
S. Res. 80-60 Appointing Benjamin Belt to the Office of Director of Legislative Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 80-59 Winter Recess of the 80th Session of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 80-61 Establishing the Special Committee for the Pack Mentorship Program Resolutions
S. Res. 80-62 Appointing Jacob Flynn to the Office of the Assistant Chair for the Elections Commission Resolutions
S. Res. 80-63 Appointing Kaelin Manoa to the Office of Ballet Coordinator for the Elections Commission Resolutions
S. Res. 80-64 Appointing Ruby Sukhraj to the Office of Ballet Coordinator for the Elections Commission Resolutions
S. Res. 80-65 Appointing Shawn Choo-Murphy to the Office of Publicity Coordinator for the Elections Commission Resolutions
S. Res. 80-66 To Censor Senator Alvarado Resolutions
S. Res. 80-67 Removing Senator Rashdan from the Committee of Government Operations Resolutions
R. Res. 80-68 Removing Senator Biggs from the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 80-69 Establishing an Assistant Director in Accounting Resolutions
S. Res. 80-70 In Support of the DREAM Act Resolutions
S. Res. 80-71 Establishing the Pack Mentorship Program at the University of Nevada Resolutions
S. Res. 80-72 Establishing the Framework for the Housing Initiative at the University of Nevada Resolutions
S. Res. 80-73 Removing Senator Suri from the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 80-74 Establishing the Framework for the Housing Initiative at the University of Nevada Resolutions
S. Res. 80-75 To Censor Senator Waldeck Resolutions
S. Res. 80-76 In Opposition to Senate Bill 143, an Act to Allow the Carry of Concealed Weapons on Campus Resolutions
S. Res. 80-77 Electing the Secretary of The Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 80-78 Approving Changes Made to The Clubs and Organizations Procedure Manual Resolutions
S. Res. 80-79 Approving Changes Made to The Clubs and Organizations Support Funding Manual Resolutions
S. Res. 80-80 In Support of the Congressional Action to Prevent a Rise in Subsidized Student Loans Resolutions
S. Res. 80-81 In Favor of the “Silver” Core Curriculum Plan in the Upcoming Core Curriculum Vote Resolutions
S. Res. 80-82 An Act to Amend Title III of the SAS: The Judicial Branch Resolutions
S. Res. 80-83 Adjournment Resolutions
S. Res. 81-1 Electing the Speaker of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 81-2 Electing the Secretary of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 81-3 Electing the Parliamentarian of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 81-4 Authorizing a Committee to Notify the President Resolutions
S. Res. 81-5 Authorizing the Secretary to Notify the President of the Election of the Speaker of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 81-7 Electing the Chair on the Committee on Academics Resolutions
S. Res. 81-8 Electing the Chair on the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions
S. Res. 81-9 Electing the Chair on the Committee of Government Operations Resolutions
S. Res. 81-10 Electing the Chair on Public Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 81-11 Electing the Chair on University Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 81-12 Appointing Paul De Leon to the 81st Session of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 81-13 Appointing Joshua Hutapea to the 81st Session of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 81-14 Appointing Allison Cale to the 81st Session of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 81-15 Appointing Jonathan Jay to the 81st Session of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 81-16 Membership of the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 81-17 Membership of the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions
S. Res. 81-18 Membership of the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions
S. Res. 81-19 Membership of the Committee on Oversight Resolutions
S. Res. 81-20 Membership of the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 81-21 Membership of the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 81-22 Appointing Richard Corn to the Office of Chief of Staff Resolutions
S. Res. 81-23 Appointing Ashley Hansen to the Office of Director of Programming Resolutions
S. Res. 81-24 Appointing Jacob Flynn to the Office of Elections Chair Resolutions
S. Res. 81-25 Appointing Christopher Gomez to the Office of Director of Clubs and Organizations Resolutions
S. Res. 81-26 Appointing Jake Pereira to the Office of Director of Traditions Resolutions
S. Res. 81-27 Appointing Desirae Acosta to the Office of Director of Campus Unity Resolutions
S. Res. 81-28 Appointing Alex Bybee to the Office of Director of Legislative Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 81-29 Appointing Steven Kish to the Office of Attorney General Resolutions
S. Res. 81-30 Appointing Daniel Coffey to the Office of Presidential Assistance on Campus and Public Relations Resolutions
S. Res. 81-31 Appointing Sonny Licata to the Position of Club Support Funding Manager Resolutions
S. Res. 81-32 Appointing Russell Richardson to the Position of Club Commissioner Resolutions
S. Res. 81-33 Appointing Kevin Jay to the Position of Club Commissioner Resolutions
S. Res. 81-34 Appointing Theo Meek to the Position of Club Commissioner Resolutions
S. Res. 81-35 Appointing Caroline Montiel to the Position of Club Commissioner Resolutions
S. Res. 81-36 Appointing Derek Dolence to the Position of Club Commissioner Resolutions
S. Res. 81-37 A Resolution to Temporarily Suspend the First Paragraph of Senate Rule I Resolutions
S. Res. 81-38 A Resolution Temporarily Suspend Rules II.f.4.i and II.g.1 Resolutions
S. Res. 81-40 A Resolution Appointing Tericka Lambert to Position of Unity Commissioner Resolutions
S. Res. 81-41 A Resolution Appointing Laura Nubel to Position of Unity Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S. Res. 81-42 A Resolution Appointing Nathaniel Hughes to Position of Unity Commissioner Resolutions
S. Res. 81-43 A Resolution Appointing Robert del Carlo to Position of Chief Justice Resolutions
S. Res. 81-44 A Resolution Appointing Aubrey Powell to Position of Associate Justice Resolutions
S. Res. 81-45 A Resolution Appointing Jake Pinocchio to Position of Associate Justice Resolutions
S. Res. 81-46 A Resolution Appointing Jonathan Barnes to Position of Associate Justice Resolutions
S. Res. 81-47 A Resolution in Support of WTF Nevada Initiative Resolutions
S. Res. 81-48 A Resolution Appointing Cecilia to the Position of Unity Commissioner Resolutions
S. Res. 81-49 A Resolution Appointing Lily Avalos to the Position of Unity Commissioner Resolutions
S. Res. 81-50 Electing the Chair on Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions
S. Res. 81-51 Electing the Members for the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions
S. Res. 81-52 Removing Senator Harvison from the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 81-53 Appointing Nicholas Beaton to the 81st Session of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 81-54 Appointing James Burgett to the 81st Session of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 81-55 Removing Senator Ferguson from the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions
S. Res. 81-56 Adding Senator Beaton to the Committee on Government Operations and the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 81-57 Adding Senator Burgett to the Committee on Budget and Finance, the Committee on Civic Engagement, and the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions
S. Res. 81-58 Appointing Cody Campbell to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-59 Appointing Gabriela Denne to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-60 Appointing Elaina Dunn to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-61 Appointing Gabriel Golez to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-62 Appointing Briana Goodfellow to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-63 Appointing Brandon Hale to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-64 Appointing Michael Isaac to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-65 Appointing Asmita Kulkarni to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-66 Appointing Michael Lienhard to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-67 Appointing Hailey Metzler to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-68 Appointing Peyton Moore to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-69 Appointing Logan Neeley to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-70 Appointing Cindy Neininger to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-71 Appointing Ronald Petrillo to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-72 Appointing Joshua Sandoval to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-73 Appointing Melissa Ung to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-74 Appointing Alex Ybarra to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-75 Appointing Lennon Zimmerman to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-76 Appointing Zachary Brounstein to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-77 Appointing Abby Feenstra to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-78 Appointing Glory Finnegan to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-79 Appointing Matthew Lush to the Office of Presidential Assistant on Campus and Public Relations Resolutions
S. Res. 81-80 Appointing Hunter Clark to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-81 Appointing Maddie Dobbins to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-82 Appointing Autym Helzer to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-83 Appointing Courtney Strand to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-84 Appointing Katie Strickland to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-85 Appointing Angel Parker to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-86 Appointing Shairgo Kiki to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-87 In Support of the Proposed Student Fees for the E.L. Wiegand Fitness Center and Fieldhouse Resolutions
S. Res. 81-88 To Censure Speaker Byrnes Resolutions
S. Res. 81-89 Removing Senator Carter from the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 81-90 Removing Senator Cale from the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 81-91 Appointing Michelle Robinson to the Office of Assistant Elections Chair Resolutions
S. Res. 81-92 Appointing Roy Visuett to the Office of Publicity Coordinator Resolutions
S. Res. 81-93 Appointing Kyle Rodriguez to the Office of Ballot Coordinator Resolutions
S. Res. 81-94 Removing Senator Jacobson from the Committee on Academics Resolutions
S. Res. 81-95 In Support of the Dean’s Future Scholars Program Keeping a Permanent Lounge on Campus Resolutions
S. Res. 81-96 Appointing Kaelin Manoa to the Office of Poll Coordinator Resolutions
S. Res. 81-97 Amending Senate Rule XX Resolutions
S. Res. 81-98 Establishing a Check on the Speaker of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 81-99 In Support of the Mayor’s Proclamation of Wolf Pack Fridays Resolutions
S. Res. 81-100 In Support of Recessing the 81st Session during the Winter Interim Period Resolutions
S. Res. 81-101 Appointing Anurag Kulkarni to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-102 Appointing Brian Kehoe to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-103 Appointing Charlie Tanpanich to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-104 Appointing Christopher Bryce Warner to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-105 Appointing Rosalie Ferebee to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-106 Appointing Kenneth Brooke to the Office of Member-at-Large Resolutions
S. Res. 81-107 Removing Senator Carter from the Committee on Academics Resolutions
S. Res. 81-108 Removing Senator Hutapea from the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions
S. Res. 81-109 Appointing Anurag Kulkarni to the 81st Session of the Senate Resolutions
S. Res. 81-110 In Support of TRiO Programs on Campus Resolutions
S. Res. 81-111 Removing Senator Mack from the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions
S. Res. 81-112 Adding Senator Kulkarni to the Committee on Academics and the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions
S. Res. 81-113 In Support of the Proposal to Amend a Core Curriculum Diversity Requirement Resolutions
S. Res. 81-114 In Support of Allowing Students to Change Their Exam Schedules Resolutions
S. Res. 81-115 Approving Changes to the Department of Clubs and Organizations Club Support Funding Policy Manual Resolutions
S. Res. 81-116 In Support of the Washoe County Child Advocacy Center Resolutions
S. Res. 81-117 To Amend the Senate Rules Resolutions
S. Res. 81-118 In Support of the University of Nevada Being a Tobacco Free Campus Resolutions
S. Res. 81-119 In Support of the University of Nevada being named a Top Military-Friendly School Resolutions
S. Res. 81-120 Approving the Addendum to the Department of Clubs and Organizations Club Support Funding Policy Manual Resolutions
S. Res. 81-121 Approving Changes to the Department of Clubs and Organizations Procedures Manual Resolutions
S.Res. 81-122 Changes to the Senate Committee Descriptions Resolutions
S.Res. 81-123 In Support of the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act Resolutions
S.Res. 81-124 In Support of the APLU’s Response to the ASA Academic Boycott of Israel Resolutions
S.Res. 81-125 In Support of Making Teacher and Course Evaluations Public Resolutions
S.Res. 81-126 To Remove the Secretary and Legislative Clerk Duties from the Senate Rules Resolutions
S.Res. 81-127 To Remove Rule XX, Part B Resolutions
S.Res. 81-128 To Provide for the Adjournment Sine Die of the Eighty First Session of the Senate Resolutions
S.Res. 82-01 Electing the Speaker of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-02 Electing the Speaker Pro Tempore Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-03 Electing the Parliamentarian of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-04 Authorizing a Committee to Notify the President Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-05 Authorizing the Secretary to Notify the President of the Election of the Speaker of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-06 Adopting the Rules of the Eighty-First Session of the Senate of the Associated Students Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-07 Electing the Chair of the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-08 Electing the Chair of the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-09 Electing the Chair of the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-10 Electing the Chair of the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-11 Electing the Chair of the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-12 Electing the Chair of the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-13 Membership of the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-14 Membership of the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-15 Membership of the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-16 Membership of the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-17 Membership of the Committee on Oversight Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-18 Membership of the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-19 Membership of the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-20 Appointing Thomas Green to the 82nd Session of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-21 Appointing Ronald Petrillo to the 82nd Session of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-22 Appointing Raina Benford to the 82nd Session of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-23 Appointing Rebecca Bustos Duarte to the 82nd Session of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-24 Appointing Velsabet Mojica to the 82nd Session of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-25 Removing Senator Hood from University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-26 Placing Senator Green on Academics and University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-27 Placing Senator Petrillo on Civic Engagement and University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-28 Placing Senator Petrillo on Civic Engagement and University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-29 Placing Senator Bustos on Academics and Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-30 Placing Senator Mojica on Civic Engagement and Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-31 Removing Senator Ferebee from Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-32 Placing Senator Jonas on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-33 Placing Senator Crook on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-34 Placing Senator Green on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-35 Placing Senator Sung on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-36 Placing Senator Benford on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-37 Appointing Stephen Bezick to the Office of Chief of Staff Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-38 Appointing Matt Lush to the Office of Director fo Campus and Public Relations Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-39 Appointing Drake Sacenti to the Office of Director of Programming Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-40 Appointing Russel Richardson to the Office of Director of Clubs and Organizations Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-41 Appointing Madeline Burak to the Office of Director of Legislative Affairs Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-42 To Temporarily Suspend Senate Rule I.A and II.F.5.ix Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-43 To Temporarily Suspend Senate Rules II.F.4.I and II.G.1 Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-44 Regarding Increasing Tuition Resolutions Yes
S.Res. 82-45 In Support of a Presidential Youth Council Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-46 To Recommend A Domain Name for a Student Email Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-47 Appointing Jake Flynn to the Office of Elections Chair Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-48 Appointing Ron De Los Santos to the Office of Assistant Director of Programming Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-49 Appointing Tazia Statucki to the Office of Assistant Director of Programming Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-50 Appointing Jonathan Barnes to the Office of Chief Justice Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-51 Appointing Connor Blakeman to the Office of Assistant Elections Chair for Public Relations Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-52 Appointing Kaelin Manoa to the Office of Assistant Elections Chair for Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-53 Appointing Sarah Byrnes to the Office of Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-54 Appointing Kaitlynn Plaskett to the Office of Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-55 Appointing Lily Davalos to the Office of Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-56 Appointing Spencer Deame to the Office of Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-57 Appointing Ming Chung to the Office of Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-58 Appointing Dalton Mack to the Office of Programmer Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-59 Appointing Abhay Sharma to the Office of Club Support Funding Manager Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-60 Appointing Richard Long to the Office of Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-61 Appointing Joshua Moody to the Office of Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-62 Appointing Ian Stewart to the Office of Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-63 Appointing Desirae Acosta to the Office of Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-64 Appointing Derek Dolence to the Office of Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-65 Appointing Theo Meek to the Office of Club Commissioner Resolutions Yes
S.Res 82-66 In Support of Allowing Students to Amend Their Final Exam Schedule Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-67 A Resolution to Change the Description of the Committee on Oversight Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-68 Appointing Lexi Jacobson to the Office of Secretary of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-69 To Change the Description of the Committee on Oversight Resolutions
S. Res 82-70 A Resolution to Amend Senator Office Hours Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-71 To Clarify Quorum for Senate Committees Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-72 A Resolution in Support of 15 to Finish Resolutions
S. Res 82-73 In Support of Be in the Know and Do the Ride Thing Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-74 A Resolution to Change the Location of Senate Tabling Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-75 A Resolution in Support of the Proposed September Marijuana Policy Resolutions
S. Res 82-76 To Censure Senator Petrillo Resolutions
S. Res 82-77 Appointing Ryan Suppe to the 82nd Session of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-78 Placing Senator Suppe on Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-79 Placing Senator Suppe on Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-80 Appointing Senator Brooke to the Chair of the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-81 A Resolution to Create the Special Committee on the Mountain West Leadership Summit Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-82 To Censure Senator Dominguez Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-83 A Resolution In Support of the Establishment of a Court of Appeals Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-84 A Resolution Appointing Senator Benford as the Chair of the Special Committee on the Mountain West Leadership Summit Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-85 A Resolution Appointing the Membership of the Special Committee on the Mountain West Leadership Summit Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-86 A Resolution Placing Senator Stewart to the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-87 A Resolution Placing Senator Stewart to the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-88 A Resolution Removing Senator Benford from the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-89 A Resolution Removing Senator Benford from the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-90 A Resolution Removing Senator Mack from the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-91 A Resolution Removing Senator Jonas from the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-92 A Resolution Removing Senator Green from the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-93 A Resolution Removing Senator Brooke from the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-94 A Resolution Adding Senator Green to the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-95 A Resolution Removing Senator Warner from the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-96 A Resolution Appointing Owen Stewart to the 82nd Session of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-97 A Resolution Removing Senator Sung from the Committee on Government Operations and Added to the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-98 A Resolution In Opposition of Nevada State Ballot Question No.3 Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-99 A Resolution Appointing Nicholas Andrew into the 82nd Session of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-100 A Resolution Adding Senator Andrew to the Committees on Academics, Government Operations, and Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-101 A Resolution Removing Senator Hood from the Special Committee on the Mountain West Leadership Summit Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-102 A Resolution Adding Senator Stewart to the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-103 A Resolution Removing Senator Ferebee to the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-104 In Support of the Proposed Counseling Center Fee Increase Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-105 A Resolution Removing Senator Ramirez from the Committee on Academics and Added to the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-106 A Resolution Removing Senator McCrillis from the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-107 A Resolution Removing Senator Stewart from the Committee on Public Affairs and Added to the Committee on Government Operations Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-108 A Resolution In Advisement of 15 to Finish Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-109 In Support of the Removal of Mining Cap in the Nevada Constitution Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-110 In Support of S.2692–Campus Accountability and Safety Act Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-111 A Resolution in Support of Gender Inclusive Restrooms on Campus Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-112 A Resolution to Support Advisory Boards in Every College Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-113 In Support of Mandating Student Emails for Incoming Students Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-114 In Support of the Inclusion of Student-Run Businesses in the University’s Expansion Plans Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-115 To Censure Senator Jonas Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-116 To Provide for the Winter Recess of the 82nd Session of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-117 A Resolution Appointing Emilia Carro to the 82nd Session of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-118 A Resolution Adding Senator Carro to the Committee on Civic Engagement and the Special Committee on the Mountain West Leadership Summit Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-119 In Support of Making Faculty Evaluations Publicly Available Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-120 To Censure Senator Brounstein Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-121 To Censure Senator Ramirez Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-122 In Opposition of AB-2 Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-123 In Support of Medical Amnesty in the State of Nevada Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-124 A Resolution Removing Senator Andrew from the Committee on Budget and Finance and Added to the Committee on Public Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-125 A Resolution Removing Senator Jonas from the Committee on Budget and Finance and Added to the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-126 A Resolution Removing Senator Green from the Committee on Budget and Finance and Added to the Committee on Academics Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-127 A Resolution Removing Senator Bustos from the Special Committee on the Mountain West Leadership Summit Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-128 A Resolution Adding Senator Feenstra to the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-129 A Resolution Adding Senator Benford to the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-130 A Resolution Adding Senator Brooke to the Committee on Budget and Finance Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-131 A Resolution Electing the Parliamentarian of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-132 In Support of Adding the Circle of 6 to the This is Nevada App Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-133 A Resolution Adding Senator Andrew to the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-134 To Encourage Faculty Mentorship of Student Researchers Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-135 In Opposition of AB-148 Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-136 In Support of Nevada State Senate Bill 128 Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-137 In Support of Nevada State Senate Bill 117 Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-138 In Support of Assembly Bill 150 Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-139 A Resolution Appointing Abbie Schepps to the 82nd Session of the Senate Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-140 A Resolution Adding Senator Schepps to the Committee on Academics and the Committee on University Affairs Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-141 A Resolution to Update the Senate Rules Description on the Committee on Civic Engagement Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-142 In Opposition to Voter ID Laws in Nevada Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-143 In Opposition to Assembly Bill 375 Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-144 A Resolution to Create a WTF Manager in the Senate Rules Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-145 A Resolution to Enforce Tabling Resolutions Yes
S. Res 82-146 A Resolution to Amend Senator Duties Resolutions Yes